If I understand correctly, Bud has sailed almost the entire west coast in his P19. Is that right?
What was the longest time at sea for any given leg?
How much of the time did you (Bud) find yourself sailing upwind?
Was it done mostly north to south?
What were the maximum winds you encountered?
what time (or times) of year did you do the various parts, eg. California coast part?
How much of the time were you using an auto tiller?
What passages were the most challenging?
Did you trailer the boat to your starting point for various legs?
Please accept my apology for asking so many questions.
I concur!
I am flattered by your interest. Your questions make a pretty good outline. I did write up most of the trips in SCA. I have given away the copies I had, and those particular magazines are out of print.
Give me a little time and I will answer all your questions and post it here and in the Potter Newsletter.
Quote from: Bud on Apr 02, 2023, 10:45 PMI did write up most of the trips in SCA. I have given away the copies I had, and those particular magazines are out of print.
One can buy the PDF versions of SCA back issues -
Bud just share the issue specifics so folks know which ones to purchase from Josh.
Quote from: Bud on Apr 02, 2023, 10:45 PMGive me a little time and I will answer all your questions and post it here and in the Potter Newsletter.
That's Great Bud. Looking forward to it.
Dave, I don't have any copies and don't remember the issues the articles were in.
I said I would write up the California Coast sail. I will answer Madhatter's questions to the best of my memory. My typing is slow I am recovering from a sprained left wrist. It happened on last weekend's Potter sail to Antioch. Gerry Nolan, the sail hoast will describe what happened in the next Potter Newsletter.
It occurred to me that I might do a phone interview with you? I could then write it up myself and save you some trouble?
I know you must have many stories and great information to share, and I'm so very intrigued.
Just a thought.
Thanks for the offer. I have been working on it and should post something shortly. I got sidetracked repairing a hole in my P14. That is now finished and tomorrow, since the boat is off the trailer, I will paint the trailer.