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The Main Dock => TSBB General Talk => Topic started by: noelH on Jul 25, 2024, 12:15 PM

Title: Wind trending...
Post by: noelH on Jul 25, 2024, 12:15 PM
Maybe the 4th season of not so good a trend.  Declining number of sailable days. Sailable defined as sustained winds F3-F5. Couple seasons ago was bummed with the drop of days from the previous season new all time low number of days. Then last season was real bad. 14 total days.  4 days in July dropped to 2 days in August to zero days in September. That included going out on some "drifters" (F2) days. So far, only 6 days this July. Our "windy & warm" month. Tomorrow's nearshore forecast which means not much is for 10-15kts with gusts to 20kts. Hope.... Blaming the western wildfires for messing up the weather pattern.  Shouldn't complain. For now we are not at risk for any forest fires.
Title: Re: Wind trending...
Post by: Riley Smith on Jul 26, 2024, 08:04 AM
We've found that 2:30pm thunder action finally. A deluge every day about that time, and if it don't rain, you can hear the thunder. Two days ago it blew a pecan limb out and it fell in the road at the curve just at dusk. Wolf Ridge Road is famous for curves. It hit twice and I could see the sparks through the window shades and hear the arc. Mr. Bean didn't like it at ALL and I'm not a great fan.
Title: Re: Wind trending...
Post by: Frank B. on Jul 26, 2024, 09:25 AM
I'm on my normal vacation from sailing.  I just don't go in the summer.  It is too hot, most often windless and my lake is crowded with all manner of power boats from jet skis which are as irritating as mosquitos, to large trawlers coming down (or up) to lock through on the TennTom, with party barges galore.  I hate sailing with the bimini but can't stand to be without it in the summer. So, let them have it, I'll be back in the fall, when school starts, hunting season begins, and football reigns.  The lake will then be mine and mostly mine alone.