M15 on L. Superior? Only if you like....

Started by noelH, Jul 10, 2023, 12:25 PM

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Couple from the MSP up for a few days of L. Superior sailing.  Couple days ago was a "classic" L. Superior day.  The wife was a bit intimidated by the sea state so they stayed onshore.  Set out with a single reef.  So much for the forecasted F3 conditions.  Had to set the 2nd reef ~2nm out. Mid-Bay was rocking with 20kt gusts and sustained wind +15kts.  I think some boats had way too much sail.  Don't really see any point in digging the leeward rail into the water and not maximizing sog.

Seasonal trend continues. Out of the Bay the wind started dropping. Shook out a reef. In the N. Channel. What the heck. Full sail and sog was dropping.  Big boats were all standing up. Back to the Bay. Thought was day is done.  At least the M15 couple may have a pleasant afternoon sail.  Nope.  Solid F4 and the long NE fetch resulted in heavy seas for the next few hours. 

Talked with the husband back at the Marina.  SW/SSW 10-20 with gusts to 25kts forecasted for Sunday.  Noted seas will not build to more than 0.7meters. Mostly sub 0.5M chop.  Solid 11-17kts with gusts to ~20kts.  Powered up 5.8M windsurfing day from 1300 until I was toast.  1700, the wind was still blowing.  Every sailboat I saw was coming into the Marina.  Guessing it was significantly stronger offshore.
Sage S15

Timm R Oday25

Right about now ,I'd take just about any boat in a body of water ..


Yesterday was about as flat as L.Superior can be and still enjoy F3-4 winds.  W/NW is offshore on this side of the Peninsula.  Even out at the junction of the N and S Channel with 2-6nm of open water the chop with the lighter wind doesn't build to more than 1/2 meter. In the Bay within 1-2nm from shore the "flat" water easily allowed Vela to reach and exceed hull speed. So nice seeing and hearing the spray drive off the leeward side of the bow and enjoy the smooth ride vs. the normal shower of cold water and bumpy experience.

It did totally drop by late afternoon.  "Drifting" at sub 3kts except during the sporadic gust.  Watched the average SOG drop, drop, drop....

Unfortunately the M15 couple's last day was yesterday.  A pack up and travel day. Would have been nice for them to experience a L. Superior day without the rough seas.
Sage S15