Coast Guard….

Started by Dan, Jul 14, 2023, 11:44 AM

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On the return from our "Potter Sail...Benicia-Napa-Benicia" I got stuck in the mud on a Minus Tide. The Coast Guard came by TWICE......asked if I was OK?......asked about my PFD (which I ALWAYS wear)......asked for my phone# in addition to my VHF.....asked me to call when I floated free.....I had lunch for 2 hours/ floated harm/ no foul!! Called CG to let them know I was safely back in port......USCG was very Professional, BOTH visits + their phone calls...thank you....+ they promised NOT to tell USCG Captain Scott Phy that his dad ran aground!!


Dan, as you know from your  14/15's Potters you can float in very thin water. I am glad everything turned out OK. You got to spend a couple of extra hours on the water, mud.