Maryland Summer Weather

Started by Travis Chapman, Aug 09, 2023, 10:27 PM

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Travis Chapman

Since the question came up, figured I'd separate the reply for board cleanliness. How did our area of Maryland do during this week's storm? We live about 15 miles outside the Baltimore beltway nearer Westminster, but I work down near Bethesda/Rockville (~50 miles) to commute. I'm used to afternoon summer storms, but this year's been worse than usual it seems. Several hard blows that filled the air with rain AND leaves, obliterating visibility, lot of cars waiting things out.

I live in a wooded area in farm country, so I expect trees and debris to be reality during these things. surprise that when I did make it home (45 minutes of waiting mid-commute at a great poke place) that downed trees blocked both sides of our road. 4x4 came in handy. Power out for 24 hours so the genny got a good run. One end of our road had a bigger impact with multiple trees through the powerlines: 2 days without power but restored tonight. Still a lot of cleanup for sure.

All that said, I've been through hurricanes and typhoons, and I know we got a lovetap compared to our friends in Guam this year. All a matter of perspective!

Panda Paws has her mast up in the driveway as I've been working on projects, and she weathered everything fine. Being in the woods helps cut down on straight line wind, but adds to the thrill of "which tree will fall down next?"

Stay safe out there folks! I know this is impacting everyone in different ways.

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SV Panda Paws
Windrose 18
Lynchburg, VA

Frank B.

My family is from that area so I kinda grew up there off and on.  Annapolis, Severna Park, Bainbridge, Elkton, pretty much all over AA county.  I remember the weather being mostly pleasant back then.  Went through my first Hurricane in Pocomoke.  Then we moved to the Mississippi Coast and I learned what a hurricane really was.

I'll trade you, my experience in both north and south Mississippi, would make that an advantageous trade for me. ;)

Riley Smith

Oh goody, fun with the chain saw!!! I'm glad you're no worse for the wear though! I have barely any other focus than to get through August weather here (100F), and wasn't aware of the chaos. Maybe I'd better take a peek out on the Atlantic, too, while I'm at it. Yes, the weather here has been strange.

 West winds, and nothing good ever comes from that .

 Although. I'm going to have say that there has been good wind and PLENTY of sun. Nice little puffy clouds on the breeze and blue sky. Definitely not Mississippi weather. There is absolutely no plan to brave the elements until the temps go down. I am now a fan of Body Armor drinks. They'll keep you from dying and actually feel pretty good, while you're sweating like a pig. Ahhh well, October is coming and with it the best of the best. Just what that IS remains to be seen :o

Norm L.

ah, yes. A tree on top of a shed protecting a boat. I remember it well.

MANY MOONS and Katrina

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A few years later after multiple sheets of plywood, lots of fiberglass cloth and resin and epoxy paint and  WHOLE LOT OF SANDING. The Madisonville Wooden Boat show.

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Riley Smith

I bought the Tee-shaped bow fitting that adorns S R Cat there the very first time we went. There was a vendor there that had EVERYTHING old and bronze/brass. And we found the tap at the local brewery too!!! Had a great time and enjoyed the whole thing.