Posting pics on this forum

Started by Riggerdood, Mar 25, 2025, 09:30 PM

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A member had asked me about how to post pics on this new(ish) forum, and I posted this in a thread here, but thought it could use its own topic so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle. This topic was covered extensively on the old forum, and here's my best synopsis of how to do it here. Any and all comments/suggestions/workarounds gladly welcomed!

This used to not work in quick reply, not sure if that's still the case, as I've never tried it there.

1. Start your post/reply. Put the cursor in the message body area where you want to insert the pic.

2. Click where it says Click or drag files here to attach them.

3. Go to the folder where your image is and double click on the file. Remember: the max size is 1024 KB, so you might need to reduce the size in Paint or a similar program and re-save it. Basically 1 MB max is the goal.

4. Once you have a "legal" file, you have to click on the little blue "arrow up to a line" icon. Then you have to specify width and height in pixels. This can be kind of a guessing game, but for a ~1 MB image, 500 - 1000 seems to work well. Make sure to use the same number for width/height if you don't want your pic to appear distorted.

5. Click insert, then preview. If you want to increase/decrease the size the image appears in the post, you can edit the line of code that was placed in your post. The larger the number, the larger the image will appear. For example:

[attach id=#### width=500 height=500]filename.ext[/attach]

can be changed to

[attach id=#### width=1000 height=1000]filename.ext[/attach]

As I stated, somewhere in the 500 - 1000 range seems to be best for a ~1 MB file. Just keep previewing until you like it.

6. You can repeat all this for up to 15 MB worth of pics, or basically about 15 pics per post/reply. Just make sure to place the cursor where you want to pic to go, and also add extra empty lines between pics/pics and pics/text. And always preview the final thing before hitting post.

Hope this helps!
1985 Rebel Spindrift 22 - Rum Line
1985 Achilles RIB - Achilles Last Stand

Quantico Frank

Thanks, Tim, hopefully these instructions will be impossible to "lose" in the future, lol.
Precision 165 "Spirit" built 2011
Home port Quantico, VA, Potomac River


I'll set this "Sticky" for easy future reference. Anyone have anything to add...?


Yes Frank, having it be its own topic should make it easier for folks to find in a search.

Thanks CapnK, I didn't think to do that - or is that an admin-only thing?
1985 Rebel Spindrift 22 - Rum Line
1985 Achilles RIB - Achilles Last Stand