Maybe Charlie Jones is on the push side of Beryl?

Started by Frank B., Jul 05, 2024, 09:50 PM

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Frank B.

That's not good.  Batten down the hatches CJ.

Jim B., CD-25

The latest model shows a high potential that it is going to go in between Corpus Christi and Matagorda Bay (where Charlie lives).

Riley Smith

It isn't a huge storm and strength is way down from when it was a raging Cat 5. Plus I'm a firm believer that there is some stuffing in the official forecast. Newbies are crazy and if you tell 'em they're going to die enough times they'll eventually begin to believe it and not go down to the beach and watch it come in. It still has pretty good shape though. I do remember CJ telling me about one storm down that way that was expected to be on the milder side that blew up just as it reached shore and turned BAD. SO, all things considered, I'm glad I'm not dealing with it at the moment. I fully expect to see some effects before it is all over. Probably rain. I hope things go well for those involved. Do you feel a sense of relief since you're now based in Arizona and not looking a hurricane in the eye Jim?

Jim B., CD-25

Hi Riley.  Yeah, there was always some angst during hurricane season.  We are no longer paying those ever-increasing insurance premiums for hurricane and flood insurance.  I still check out Weather Underground Tropical Weather, but it isn't an every morning thing.  There was some flooding on our (former) island with that previous tropical storm, but I don't think our old house was affected.  I really liked living on the coast, but I don't miss all that comes with hurricane season.  We're acclimating to life in the desert, and we love being able to see our daughter and son-in-law most days (plus having someone to keep an eye on our place while we're out and about)... posting this from the motorhome.

As always, concerns for those in the path of this one, especially our mutual friend Charlie. 

Noemi - Ensenada 20

I exchanged a couple of texts with Charlie today.  He seemed unconcerned, but was taking a nap because the evening might not be very conducive to sleep.  :)


Noemi - Ensenada 20