I'd consider Bob and Bake right about now

Started by Riley Smith, Aug 07, 2024, 09:08 PM

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Riley Smith

Was thinking back on the P'Cola 120 sail earlier and how different the days were and how I NEEDED them to be different. Once Charles Brennan helped push me off the dock, it was on! What a great sail! The wind was nearing the first reef limit and for a while I had to let it dictate heading until I could get closer to the far shore of the island, where it would abate a bit. Which wasn't a problem, as it wasn't as confined as I generally get in this part of the world. The catboat is fun but it has a big sail and you have to pay attention when the wind is up. Luckily the heading would eventually lead to gradual turn downwind and right into the flight envelope. And it worked exactly like that. I had patterned it perfectly. with S R Cat and I slicing through the water, wing out. Yep, that was one of life's fine moments.

That weather pattern said I had a time limit the next evening before weather. I knew that I needed to be on a trailer before late evening the next day. So I got a sled down and a squeaker back. But on that squeaker back it was very pretty and I got to see a whole pod of dolphins around the boat for almost an hour and the Blue Angels practice, in between sailing little cats paws. It was definitely the more character building but it was also the last fun before getting the neck bones rebuilt. Haven't touched her since, hardly. And really don't want to until fall because of the heat.

Since Debbie hit, and moved away up towards SC, the humidity has gone down and the temperature up. No rain. Not even a hint. My air conditioned addicted butt would fry down to a greasy puddle in these conditions. Soon enough it'll be here though. The fall weather is always  the best. I have to replace a board and do a little rope work but right now I won't even stick my head in the uncooled shop unless dire necessity prevails.

We'll have to see how stepping the mast works with a new neck then.


Doug SC

I always enjoy your story telling.

Riley Smith

Thank you and I enjoy telling them. I didn't put in there the consequence of forgetting the bug spray. Hey, you know, like Bob Seger said...."what to leave in; what to leave out"  ;D  I'm slowly getting a little more active and have been in the shop this late evening disassembling the broken floor grating. I've got to lay out the piece but need to move the boat to test fit it. No hurry and the lesser humidity has allowed it to cool some this evening instead of being 90F at 9pm like the other night. Make a little sawdust and play with some wood. I'm putting big hopes in the doctor will allow let me to start swimming and taking a bath after tomorrow  :D

Wayne Howard


You paint pictures with words. I wish I was half as talented in story telling. But I have a short tale to pass along.

Connie and I took Unole! up to Lake Texoma for a trailer sailer gathering. We hit the bake and bob about 1/2 way to our destination. After a while of this, I took a bow line and tied it around my waist (I had a waist at the time) and jumped overboard. The water was cool and as I was swimming I was towing the boat along. After about 20 minutes, the breeze kicked up and I reboarded the boat and we sailed.  ;D
Wayne Howard
Master and Commander of S/V Impetuous
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing.

Norm L.

Master and Commander and Jolly boatman.

Riley Smith

We did that over in LA with my partner and his wife. All of us jumped into upside down life vests and chilled. Had a trailer rope we'd hang on to.  It was a blast. Can't remember the name of that lake but it was pretty big.