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Beats yard work

Started by Timm R Oday25, Aug 06, 2024, 10:31 AM

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Timm R Oday25

I've not made the time to do much sailing during the last few years . We didn't even get the boat launched until the first weekend in July . I've driven the hour or so to Milwaukee's lakefront just to spend a few hours scrubbing and installing new parts that I bought at least a year ago.
 A boom kicker , a tiller tamer and a brand new 135% Genoa.
It seems ,I need to mentally force myself to commit a certain block of time to spending on the boat or it gets pushed quite quickly into the background of life's priorities .
 Is anyone else like this ?
If I ever buy a smaller sailboat.. you can bet it will be a catboat just like this one.
I saw this rather "jaunty" sloop and thought of WestCoaster

Timm R Oday25

Argggh ,now what did I do wrong ?

Doug SC

How is Westy doing? I miss seeing him post here.

Charles Brennan

Timm, As usual, you failed to specify whether what you did wrong referred to:
a) Working on your boat.
b) Planning your time more effectively.
c) Failing to buy a catboat.
d) Fail to have your pics display as you wished.

We'll have to assume you were referring to the lack of embedded pics.
Start by clicking on the "Click or drag files here to attach them".
Like so:
You cannot view this attachment.

Navigate to the desired folder holding the pics you wish to upload.
You cannot view this attachment.

Choose one that strikes your fancy.
You cannot view this attachment.

After it uploads you have a choice:
1) Delete it. (Click on the red "X".)
2) Upload it. (The blue up-arrow as in "upload", is a hint.)
Click on the blue arrow and you will get this dialog box:
You cannot view this attachment.
Click on the INSERT button.
The pic will appear in the last place your cursor was, on the post text screen.
For example, if I wanted to post a SCAMP pic directly underneath this line of text, I would leave the cursor there and follow the previous steps and:
You cannot view this attachment.

See?  ???
EASY!!  ;D

The 2 parts you were missing that inspired the: "Argggh, now what did I do wrong?"
Was in not clicking on the blue arrow and then not clicking on the insert button.
Leave out those two steps, and the uploaded files appear only as file attachments at the bottom of your post.
Kinda like this:
You cannot view this attachment.

Hope this helps,
Charles Brennan

Brian N.

Timm - We all get into a "groove" sometimes that does not allow for much time on the water, but don't feel guilty about it, or try and come up with excuses. Not worth it. Its a pastime, hobby, passion or whatever you want to call your sailing, but it is not an obligation. Enjoy your time on the water on your own terms, when it suits you. A good friend of mine is always buying new things for his boat, but gets out infrequently. He sails on his own terms, and so should everyone else.

This summer, for numerous reasons, I've not had much sailing time. But, I'm okay with that. I get out when I can, enjoy the few hours and I'm grateful for all. Truthfully, I was so "spent" yesterday after sailing I called my 23 YO son to come to the ramp and help me retrieve the boat and take down the mast for trailering. However, my enthusiasm for the next sail (whenever that will be) is still there.

P.S. I actually have considered an even smaller (simpler setup) boat, but once I'm on the water, I appreciate what I have.
Fair winds
Brian N.

Timm R Oday25

Thank you both for your support 
Charles , when I first uploaded the photos ,I saw the images I wanted diplayed . Yes ,there were the blue upload icon and the red X . Nothing happened when I clicked on either one .
I tried the red X to delete the second picture of Enigma . Nothing happened .
I also clicked on the blue insert icon and nothing happened either .
Let me try once again .You cannot view this attachment.

Timm R Oday25

You cannot view this attachment.

Timm R Oday25

I think I got it ..maybe .. When the insert icon is clicked , I don't need to put values into the vertical and horizontal boxes . I think that was part of my issue .

Timm R Oday25

You cannot view this attachment.


Quote from: Timm R Oday25 on Aug 06, 2024, 12:22 PMYou cannot view this attachment.

Compac 19/II. Easy to tow and rig.
1985 Compac 19/II  s/v Miss Adventure
1986 Seidelman 295 s/v Sur La Mer