FL 120 2K23 Day 3: Big Sabine to Spectre Island

Started by Charles Brennan, Jun 05, 2023, 07:04 PM

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Charles Brennan

FL 120 2K23 Day 3: Big Sabine to Spectre Island

People tend to get up early for the FL 120 and it's not unusual to see several boats well on their way, while we're still trying to wake up.
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Even our buddies from Georgia on their Siren 17.
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Jason (left) and Glenn (right) working on their rigging, while I'm still working on breakfast!! :)
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And ending my breakfast, with Sailor's Candy (Alleve) which I seem to need more and more of, these days.
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Get the Tall Guy to jump off the boat and wade ashore.
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There was a steep drop-off on that beach, as I had painfully discovered the previous afternoon.
Jumped off while balancing myself on the front grab rail, expecting to be calf-deep in water.
By the time it reached my waist, I had pulled, or torn, or busted something, in my right shoulder.
Still can't put any weight on it.

Last of the morning stragglers and gratifying to see I'm not the LAST one left!! :)
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Forecast was for downwind or broad reach.
Another "Character Building' day into the wind.
GEEZE!! Think I got all the "Character" I WANTED, Yesterday!! :(
Starboard tack.
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Port tack. And that was pretty much, the whole day.
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Calm enough in the Sound, however.
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There's our buddy on the Hobie Cat again, probably deciding which tack he's going to take a nap on.
But, hey! I'm not jealous!! I can go below any time I want and take a nap!!
Don't have to wait until I get to a beach!!
So, THERE!!! :D
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That boat is Fat Cat, a Combo Cat.  This guy could point really well.  I'd make two tacks and on my way back, I'd see him again, stolidly moving up the coast.
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Did not go all that fast, but man! Could he hold to his course!
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See you on my return tack, guys!! :)
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No name on the boat, for me to check against the sign-up list, so I don't know the boat or the guy.
Nice enough old-school looking catamaran, though.
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Once under the Navarre Bridge we saw this guy leaving, as we were entering.
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Sailing uphill! What a SAILOR!! :D 
(Sorry! Couldn't resist a Dumb Joke!)
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Nobody ever TALKS about stopping off at a restaurant on a FL 120; they all make it sound like they're sloggin' upwind all day and doing nothing except sailing!
And yet.
And yet, every time I stop, I am NOT alone!! :D
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Look where our buddy decided to take a nap?
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Liber a really fine Rhodes 22.  Mike McKay, also from Georgia.  Many boats from Georgia and Texas.
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Coupla Parasailor Kiters.
Weird, that some hi-tech Nylon and a snowboard, could cost as much as what I paid for my sailboat, in 1976.
I'm all for Minimalism, but that is REALLY paring it down to essentials!!   :o
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We're still waiting to get served and Scott W. is already on his way out to the next destination.
Lunch was some Grouper bites and Tater Tots, kind of the Pensacola version of Fish and Chips.
Very tasty.
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Re-fueled, re-iced and replenished, we headed for the channel, rather than try to cross the shoals at low tide.
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Ya know, the way these guys always accelerate right past me, I often wonder if I'm dragging a 5 gallon PVC bucket around behind me and just don't know it.
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You basically head east down the Santa Rosa Sound, until you see a bunch of masts, then turn right and head around the land mass, towards Spectre Island.
Aircraft Pilots have IFR; I have IFM.  (I Find Masts.)  :D
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Just after our right turn . . . .
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And there it was!!
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Fewer boats today.
Several boats saw light forecast winds and decided to double back to Big Sabine and meet up with us on our way back, rather than try to beat in light airs, tomorrow.
Didn't sway this crew.
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Guys were already getting ready for supper.
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There was a Precision 165, Zephyr, a Precision 18, Liberty (shown) and a Precision 23, Precise Leigh.  All well represented on this cruise.
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That's our buddy from the yellow Hobie Cat (far right of pic) again, (standing) talking to Scott and a friend.
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Ed, standing next to Urchin and probably wondering where I wandered off to.
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Getting close to sunset.
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This sure is an eclectic fleet! :)
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This guy, got there early and didn't pay enough attention to the tides.
Right after taking this pic, I set my camera down on the beach and joined in on pushing the boat off the beach.
It would only move when heeled way over and it took all of us to get her afloat again.
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This woman was clearly worrying about who was going to injure something, or possibly get run over by their own boat.
She had that practiced and knowledgeable look on her face, the look that said: "Yeah, gonna be a long night in the ER!"
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This is how far out boats had to go, to float again.
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Of course, a Sea Pearl  SNEERS at a low tide!! :)
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We decided to cook up some more bratwursts, washed up everything and then turned in.

Charles Brennan

Captain Kidd

Tried to like your post. Got a balloon pop up that said I was banned from using the forum. So here's your like. 👍

Charles Brennan

Captain Kidd, Happened to me once and when I looked at the top of the web page, I noticed I must have logged out.  Logged in again and had no further problems.

Hope this helps,
Charles Brennan

Captain Kidd

I'm in a place with poor reception. I made the post without having to login. I was able to click like just now. Strange. But in any case, I enjoyed your report.

Yesterday we took the kids to Pcola beach. Sailing juices were highly activated as we crossed the bridges over the bay and sound. Passed Quietwater, Flounders, the water tower etc. Hopefully I'll get back one day (with a boat!).