Huh? What’s going on here?

Started by Dougcan, Aug 30, 2023, 05:36 PM

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So I've been gone for a little while, enjoying the vacation wonderland that's the local hospital system....  (a broken arm and a couple other medical issues)

Anyhow I tried logging in only to find things changed and I'm a newbie again!

And we seems to have a new administrator etc.

Can anyone bring me up to date on whats been happening here?


Norm L.

I don't know how you get rank or lose rank.
i was a newbie for so long your query made me look. I'm now a Jr. Member. I now out rank Frank B who is still a Newbie. And out rank you.


Norm L.

Sorry about your arm. Not good for a kayaker.



Yes sir, I did one armed push ups and sit ups....

I went to "" to see if I can figure out what happens and I see that Phil apparently not around anymore.  I hope he's okay.

I see that the new management t apparently changed the forums format, while there's a "trailersailor" forum there, it's very different!  And there's many people there I don't recognize and none that I do (all are over here).

I'll still like to know just what happened, maybe Noemi can fill me in? (Noemi knows everything!)  ;D

Kurt is a good administrator, with his guidance this small sailboat forum will go far!

As for me, due to some issues (mostly medical), I'm limited to sailing smaller sailboats and sailing to "just over there".

Right now, I gotta work on getting promoted so I can outrank Norm! :D

Dave Scobie

Short story -

Owners of no longer wanted to pay for hosting

The old forum software very very very and even more than old and couldn't be used on a new hosting service. New 21st C forum being used.

The old forum data has been kept but still hasn't been made available for searching.

Riley Smith

Hey Dougcan! Glad you found where us miscreants are hiding :) And sorry to hear of the medical issues. (I'm having ticker issues myself). I'm a full member somehow, although I don't know how I got elevated from a newbie. New forum is full of bells and whistles! Kurt has done a great job. Glad to see you once again.

Frank B.

Quote from: Norm L. on Aug 30, 2023, 06:00 PMI don't know how you get rank or lose rank.
i was a newbie for so long your query made me look. I'm now a Jr. Member. I now out rank Frank B who is still a Newbie. And out rank you.


I just did my fifty pushups!!!  Funny I'm a commodore on the CPYOA forum and a Newbie over here. I guess that's better than cabin boy or deck hand. I think it has to do with posting volume. Hmm perhaps I should set up a bot or use some of that AI thing to just generate junk posts to get rank.  Then I can order Norm L. around a bit. ;)

Noemi - Ensenada 20

Hi there, Dougcan!  Nice to "see" you around here again.  Dave gave you the basic skinny on the transfer.  It all seems to be going well, and yes, Kurt is great. 

Hope you're in healing mode.