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Started by Riley Smith, Sep 22, 2023, 07:51 PM

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Riley Smith

As this is prime time season, I had the urge for water activity. With medical appts all day, before daylight was only time I could fit in. So, 4am found me with a rod in hand, snatching fish out of the water. I KNOW when it is time. A large range on the tide, peaking near daylight. Light winds, and a northerly component to it. I fish almost exclusively  at the Labrot House anymore, the old family home on the beach.I caught a redfish on the very first cast.
 And it continued unabated, although for a while the fish were sand trout and more a nuisance than fun. During a break I saw SOMETHING swim up to the pier. It never got shallow enough that I could tell what it was, but it was at least SIX FEET LONG. Maybe a tarpon, although rare here.
 Just before the sun rose, the fish went into a frenzy on the neighboring pier. There were twenty or thirty shrimp jumping and running at any one time in the pool of lights, and the water was alive with strikes. I ached for the camera to film one of Nature's amazing sights, but it was 100 yards up the bluff.
With the sun came the gulls and terns adding to the commotion, with a gorgeous daybreak as a backdrop. The speckled trout showed up and were hammering anything that hit the water. I don't know how many fish I caught. And twice a gull tried to fly off with my lure.
Eventually the ebbing tide picked up speed and I decided breakfast was in order. The bite was over and I headed for the shower, some food, and another cup of coffee.


Doug SC

Some days it all comes together!

Riley Smith

The bite is brought on by the shrimp. This morning I tried to film it and had issues and problems and finally the camera batter died but it is a sight to see. This time of the year the shrimp begin moving out of the river marsh toward the open waters of the gulf. We're talking about BILLIONS of them. The sky and water both are alive with predators feasting on the bounty. Terns, gulls, trout, shark, mackerel, jacks, menhaden and  shrimp....the whole of the food chain seems to be active in those pools of light and it's fun just watching. All the fish I caught were released; I more or less do it to access the health and size of the fish. Trust me, they're healthy! Maybe I can resolve the camera problems and get a video of it all. I'm hoping. I think I resolved it by backing off to the OTHER pier but that's when the battery died. Here's a still of a menhaden trying to stay alive.

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Riley Smith

PS...I fish only a few nights of the year this way. It's almost like catching fish out of your aquarium  :P