On a more somber note . . . . .

Started by Charles Brennan, Oct 20, 2023, 10:40 AM

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Here's one for you Charles.  Completely refurbished by Larry Whited, you've probably met him at Cedar Key a time or two.  He is focusing on Tridarka refurb after finishing his Sea Pearl Tri.  He completely redid the boat and trailer, like Rhodes does with theirs.  I'm on my 3rd SP Tri and would jump on this one if I was looking.  https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/groupsioattachments/51820/102289381/49883/0?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJECNKOVMCCU3ATNQ&Expires=1698948884&Signature=sS5juZzjeE90deKkinWSwDtBS%2FY%3D&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3D%22Tri%2520Again%2520for%2520sale.pdf%22

Charles Brennan

Ed, That link went nowhere for me.

Charles Brennan


How odd, I wonder if it has already sold, but the original link comes up for me, not the one I posted.  You might try searching: Sea Pearl Trimaran "Tri Again" and if that doesn't work add Whited to it.  If a boat would ever be called "bristol" after 20+ years, this would be it.  I get file too large messages when I try to add the actual ad. It is on the WCTSS FB page as well as the Sea Pearl Yahoo site.  Ed

Norm L.

Another tale of downsizing.
I exchanged some emails with a classmate. He married a Maine girl, Ingrid, so still lives in Castine. (Ingrid is very Nordic so living in Maine must seem normal).

For decades they had a Stonehorse and did a lot of Penobscot Bay sailing. That boat was always on my bucket list but our marina had occasional shoaling problems out by the exit to the channel so I didn't want a keel boat. Getting stuck a few times is why I sold the S2 and went centerboard boats. Alan sent me a photo of their new boat for old people. A beautiful Menger 17 cat.

you may see a trend here to single sail boats like the cats and SCAMP.

He also sent me a photo that I had never seen. It reminded me that I have been downsizing since I was 21!

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