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Hey, Charles Brennan

Started by Wayne Howard, Aug 04, 2024, 11:44 AM

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Frank B.

Charles, late with my condolences not unusual, but sincere. And it is nice to see the family and get a feel for the relationships, I think that adds a lot. I'm glad the hurricane was mostly a non event for you.

I've been fortunate and have not had to attend many family funerals. Six siblings ages 80 to 67 and my Mom is 100 and in good health. We are planning to take her to the beach this October.  Maybe genetic predisposition, her brother just turned 103 and is planning a cruise in Sept.  Their mother scared 103 before passing.  I'm convinced it is genetic primarily and attitude secondarily as they are all glass at least half full on the way to brimming over people. So folks find the positive in every little facet of your life.

On the paternal side not so hot.  I've already outlived my father.  I joke I am hoping for the average and my Mom is going to keep raising that bar. ;)


Charles, first time on the board in weeks, logged in to see if there was any news of CaptK.

Sorry to hear of your sisters passing, and glad you have made her more real with words and pictures.

I wish all your family well, and at this point, I guess that Deb is history in your area. Hope that you were not hit too hard.


Captain Kidd

I would say that is hillbilly country. I've traveled I40 & 81 a good bit and also I75 up to & thru Kentucky.  I guess you came up I75? I live just south of the GA/TN border and close enough to the interstate to see and hear the traffic on it. My church is not far from exit 1. Holler next time you're through. Take care.

Riley Smith

Yes my friend, our prayers are for you in a sad time. And also ones for peace for her. I've not lost a sibling yet but I know that one of us will leave sooner or later. All of us are getting old. Here's for a way for you to put it all into place with your soul. Sadly, a whole world comes between a brother and I, and I think on that these late hours. I saw him a couple of years ago, the whole family really, and had never noticed but my brothers and I are clones. I see you in your sister, too.

Captain Kidd