The weather in the Staights of Mackinac

Started by rfrance0718, Aug 10, 2024, 09:24 PM

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I've only been here for a week, but some patterns are emerging. This is a true maritime climate. Things change constantly on a 15 minute cycle. It might be sunny and warm, and you strip off your fleece outerwear. Then clouds emerge, the wind picks up, the temperature drops, and it rains a fine cold mist, then the sun comes out and it all cycles through again. Today we are sitting tight in the marina at St. Ignace. Winds are at 15 kts with gusts to 21, temps at 63, and I'm happy to be where we are. Yesterday we sailed here with gusts in the 18 range and warmer temps, and very little rain. Tomorrow I'm sailing towards the North Channel with 10 kt breeze and 16 kt gusts, and maybe some rain, along with 62 degree temps.

I'll be sailing on a close reach. The Oday likes that. I can lock the tiller in and she'll head up and down with the shifts and make great time to weather. I can also use the auto helm, but it won't take the same advantage of the shifts. In another condition the auto helm doesn't work with a following sea. When the waves push the transom around, the tiller pilot overreacts and steers the boat all over the place. In that case I have to steer, which I don't like. If I need to, fine, but I need to take breaks for food and other necessities.

I've tried to heave to, without luck. I can steer up into safety position, but that's hard on the sails, and very noisy, if it's blowing hard, I'm usually sailing under jib alone in this condition, and I'm thinking that I could furl the jib way in, head up, and sail broadside to the waves with the auto helm. I should have tried that yesterday when we were sailing in that condition. I probably won't see the condition again on this trip and get a chance to test my theory.

Tomorrow I drop Tami off at Mackinaw City and I'll set off on my solo 500 mile sail to our harbor on Lake Erie.


Riley Smith



Thursday through Saturday the winds here on the western end of L. Superior were from the W to NW and moderately strong sustained winds (F4-5). The "gusts" were solid F6. Guessing the low pressure to the E of us has moved eastward giving you decent wind. Todays forecast nearshore (within 5nm of shore) was 5-10kts with gusts to 15-20kts. Once again off. More like 0-5kts with occasional maybe 7-10kt gusts. 

Being a very small boat single handed sailor heaving to and setting a reef or two and releasing a reef or two is normal for L. Superior sailing. Appreciate that Jerry Montgomery designed the Sage 15 to easily heave to and set a platform that allows for easy reefing. I just dream of the days I can set a full sail and cruise at +80% of hull speed for hours on end.

Never have tried sailing jib alone. Vela has no backstay and depends on mainsail tension to maintain jib shape. Have had to sail double reef main alone. Have had to heave to under double reefed main alone and just sit out a sustained burst of too hard a wind. Vela is pretty good at just more or less sitting there gently bobbing like a cork in the swells.

Fair sailing on your 500 mile single handed leg to Erie.
Sage S15

Norm L.

Bob, I think you may have heard of the Tuesday storm that came across Lake Erie and tore up from west of Lorain into Cleveland. It was particularly bad near the lake. I haven't been able to find out about the condition of the marinas. Power was out to over 300,000 people and some areas were expected to be without power as long as this Tuesday.

I watched news videos and it was quite a mess with winds in the 80's and 4 tornadoes. I hope yout friends there are okay.

It looked like being along the Gulf after a hurricane, including searching for ice, food, generators and taking rotten food out of your fridge and freezer.


Sounded pretty Bad. My son lives in Lakewood and was talking about 85 mph gusts! He was without power for 3 days.

I'm wondering how well the weather apps predicted something like that? I would certainly like to know if something with that magnitude was coming!