Well I gotta have a sailboat day soon.

Started by Frank B., Aug 15, 2024, 11:29 AM

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Frank B.

I'm reminded of the passage of time by the fact that the county has issued a new tag for the trailer.  Unfortunately, I can't throw it in the truck console like that last two, it is a real metal tag, so got to actually put it on although the trailer hasn't moved for three years.  Also reminds me I need to check the boat registration sticker, think I need a new one.  It also reminds me that I need to sail/motor it out to the only spot on the lake with a gradual drop off so I can do the in water bottom clean before the water turns cold.  Which reminds me that I'm really due for a bottom paint job which as usual I'll put off for another year. Let me see, when was the last time I had this boat out to actually use it, maybe last October. I'm wondering if I own it or if it owns me. :o  Oh well, fall is upon us and that is my time. ;)   

Timm R Oday25

You are not alone my friend . I've made more than a few trips out to our boat this summer . Scrubbing ,cleaning and installing a few "must haves" that I positively needed last year .
Have I actually gone sailing yet ? Nope !

Sailor Sue

What sort of "must haves" does one need to not actually sail a boat?


Quote from: Sailor Sue on Aug 16, 2024, 04:34 PMWhat sort of "must haves" does one need to not actually sail a boat?

For me this last week, a non-functioning auxiliary motor and lack of life lines, a shakedown sail since the keel rebuild, some trailer work, and a non-existent galley kept the boat in the driveway instead of on the water. I am about 3/4's the way done fixing the motor and 1/2 done with the cabinets, both taking many more hours than planned. I am at the point of just needing to get it out once this season to clear the zero for this year.
Big dreams, small boats...

Doug SC

I have been out in both my Potter 19 and Scamp this year, but most of my sailing has been practice and racing as crew on a Flying Scot. I have improved my handling of the spinnaker. However, I have also missed a lot of the racing having to travel more out of town this year than usual. Today is a good wind day and they are sailing at the club, but I am home with Covid I picked up last weekend at a funeral. I have missed way too much sailing, kayaking, and canoeing this year.

A friend took this photo from the dock of the Scamp back in March. We were headed back in as the wind was dying toward the end of the day. I hope to do some camping on the boat This fall.
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Doug SC

Quote from: Sailor Sue on Aug 16, 2024, 04:34 PMWhat sort of "must haves" does one need to not actually sail a boat?

I would think wind is a must have. ;D  ;)


Howdy All,
I've been reading here and feeling your pain. Last summer we didn't get the boat in the drink until July 7, probably the hottest day of the year. It then took another week until I had time to get her rigged and out for a short, hot 🥵, sail. Sailed her ten times last year with the last one being October 23. Not a bad season, in fact had a bunch of great days on the water! Noted a number of things I wanted to work on and planned to drag her home to the yard for the winter to do so. Life took over and she spent the winter in the water at the slip. I would drive down and check on her, charge batteries, run bilge, every couple of weeks. No hard freezes, some wind and snow/ice, but she made it through no problem!
Good side of that is she's already in the water and ready for an early start to this season!
 Not really the way it went however. Cleaned and painted the rudder (didn't have antifouling paint on it last year. Nasty!). Changed oil, upper and lower in the outboard as well as a fuel filter, a couple of fuel lines and a spark plug. Got in a nice motoring "proving run" around Monroe Bay on May 17 and a three hour actual sail on May 28. Off to a flying start!
Once again, work, life and home projects stepped in. Finally got back out yesterday, August 21!
Almost didn't happen again though. We packed a cooler, coffee, frosty beverages and the like. Nice fresh breeze. 70 degrees in August in Virginia! Temps won't last, but man, we got this thing wired! Drove the 50 minutes down to the pier.
Then I made the long step down (low tide) into the boat and tweaked the 🤬 out of my back!
Took me about an hour of stretching and several Motrin before I got brave enough to decide to go for it.
Cast off the lines with the help of my trusty first mate (my wife) and we got in three hours in 10-15 knot steady wind straight down the Potomac from the north. Occasional small whitecaps out in the channel, so just rolled up the jib and sailed on the main alone. Settled down in closer to shore. Had a bit of a handful docking with the wind still pretty strong even up in Monroe Bay.
Tied her off and opened a Sapporo!
I hope to start making this a regular thing! 😀
Good luck to all trying to get in the groove this year. It's really frustrating knowing you have a boat sitting there and you're STILL not out there sailing. Hope you find the time. Definitely worth it when you do.
P-23 "Mary Kate"