Just a tiny bit greener

Started by talbot, Sep 30, 2024, 02:05 PM

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When I first got a P21 in 2016, I asked on this forum what people do about draining water from the sink directly out of the boat. The consensus was, do it when no one is watching. Not the answer I was looking for.

Anyway, this season I pulled out the sink drain and glassed over the through-hull. I used my last bit of hull-matched Precision gel coat resin to finish it off. Then I cut off most of the drain tube and ran the new end into an unused porta-potty holding tank. I don't use the original water storage container, so that space was open under the sink.

After a weekend cruise with my daughter on Puget Sound, we had maybe 2/3 of the tank left, so it's probably good for a week aboard, about the same as the head. I could be selective about what stays aboard to extend the time between cleanouts. Plain water used to boil corn could probably go over the side. Greasy sludge from washing a frying pan should probably go in the tank. (I've read that dish detergent actually contributes to the odor of dishwater, so another adaptation would be to minimize the use of surfactants.)

Besides the small reduction in pollution, there are a couple of advantages to losing the through-hull. The hole in the side is a potential leak point if anything happens to the drain line. And while carrying around your gray water sounds a little gross, have you ever looked at the drain line? Some outside water stays in it all the time, and the lower hose gets black and stinky. The RV stores have deodorant for dishwater holding, just like for the porta potty.

So I'm all set for a week-long cruise. All I need is another season.
Talbot Bielefeldt
Precision 21 "Starlight"
Fern Ridge Lake, Oregon


Interesting idea and arrangement talbot. Ironically, I just replaced that sink drain hose, as it did look really nasty. I do try to be careful about what goes into the water from my boat. I don't do dishes in the sink in the traditional way, mainly to conserve water aboard. Instead I'll wet a paper towel, put a dab of Dawn on it, clean the pot or pan, then put the towel in the trash bag. Probably the worst thing that goes down the drain is toothpaste water ...  :-[
1985 Rebel Spindrift 22 - Rum Line
1985 Achilles RIB - Achilles Last Stand


Good for both of you for taking care of the water our boats float on and we swim in. :)