February Tune Up Sail

Started by Thesharonmatic, Jan 11, 2025, 11:48 AM

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I'm posting this link to the February 8th Angel Island Tune Up Sail both here and on Facebook. This is naturally weather dependent, so check back here for details as we get closer to the date. If you don't have a boat or aren't ready to sail just yet, you can drop by early 8:00am-10:00am to check out the scene, ask questions, and learn what the Potters are all about.
Sharon Soule'
Nighthawk--Balboa 21


Thanks for the post. Do folks drop on by from way out of town? Like say, Chicago? I have a WWP15 here in Chicagoland. I may have to the time to just pop on over to check out the fleet and folks particulars if they are up for sharing.


Leo, if you like to sail with other small boats and tell lies of your sailing adventures, we gather at Carlyle lake in southern Illinois every year. It started out as a Compac get together, but now several have moved on to other brands. Some stay in a hotel for the week and some stay on their boats in the marina.
If you or anyone on here is interested, pm me and I'll give you all the details.
1985 Compac 19/II  s/v Miss Adventure
1990 Pacific Seacraft Orion  s/v Madame Blue
1986 Seidelmann 295  s/v Sur La Mer


Thanks for mentioning the event. When does it take place? I'll definitely consider it.


This year the Carlyle Lake Rendezvous (CLR)  is June 16th thru the 20th. Reservations can be made at West Access Marina. We have a night we go out for dinner, a dinner together in the clubhouse, a just for fun race or 2, and raft ups. Along with evenings on the dock telling tales of what ever one can concoct.
1985 Compac 19/II  s/v Miss Adventure
1990 Pacific Seacraft Orion  s/v Madame Blue
1986 Seidelmann 295  s/v Sur La Mer


Unfortunately, while the weather looks good for the sail in Richmond, the weather looks bad for us trailering a boat over a mountain pass. We will probably not make it. We are hoping to come down the following weekend (weather permitting) if anyone wants to join us then. (The long term forecast isn't looking very promising for that either though...)
Sharon Soule'
Nighthawk--Balboa 21


Too bad we won't see you. Trailering over the Sierras in snow doesn't sound like much fun. If you make the trip next weekend I might pop up for a day sail. Keep us posted. George


Hey Folks,

I'm geared up for my first PY event with an actual boat!

News to me in case it helps anyone else with a BoatUS membership: Marina Bay gave me a 25% discount on their normal nightly rate of $24 (reduced to, er, uh, $18 per)...

-Gary from Santa Cruz (Marina Bay F Dock, Slip #157)
 (3rd owner of 2009 WWP 15; this is just my 5th time having her in the water, she needs a name)