St. Petersburg Power and Sailboat Show 2K25 . . . . .

Started by Charles Brennan, Jan 18, 2025, 08:15 PM

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Charles Brennan

Left at 7AM with my newly-retired wife, in 30ยบ F weather!  >:(
 >:(  Yes, Timm, we could see our breath!!  >:(
She was a little skeptical at first, about going with me, pointing out that two of the few times I ever brought her to a boat show, I had also talked her into letting me buy two new boats, after plying her with Rum drinks.
A sailboat (Urchin) and a Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB) named (Short Ribs).
I assured her that the most I was doing, was tracking down vendors for stuff, for building the SCAMP.

But, ya never know . . . . . .  ::)

Got here and it was MUCH warmer, although still on the brisk side.
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Fair amount of traffic for a Friday; Saturdays are usually much busier.

So you can't think of any more technical improvements to make, to your product line?  ???
You can't think of any new ways to differentiate yourself from the other outboard manufacturers?  :-\
Is that what's bothering ya, Bunky?!?  :P
Just design a new really cool, bitchin' engine cowl!!  THAT'LL do it!!  ;D
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Hey! Wasn't that engine cowl once a guest star, playing a heavy, in Battlestar Galactica??  ???

Quintessential Florida attire: Everybody bundled up and he's wearing a hoodie, with shorts.   ::)
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Fairly nice looking RIB.
But, when you are more intrigued with the new roll-around boat cradle, than you are with the boat, you know you're starting to get just a little jaded.   :P
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What is it about Marine Art, that so quickly descends into cartoonish looking paintings?
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I had some questions for this guy, and if he would have EVER quit looking at his smart phone, I might have been able to ask him some.   >:(
Why go to a Trade Show, if you're not going to engage with the public?  ???
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I'm considering putting EVA foam flooring in the SCAMP, like this guy did:
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So I got some samples from a few vendors and got a lot of questions answered, when they weren't scrolling on their phones.
This is the back of a sample, so I can check out the manufacturer online.
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They only have one really large tent, compared to the multi-tent Miami or Fort Lauderdale boat shows, but they do manage to fill it up pretty good.
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These are actually boat fenders.
Or dock fenders.
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You can interlock multiple Fishbone Fenders together, for reasons, which escape me.  ???
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It was still pretty cool, though.  8)
Check out the video on this link:

Ya say a Windrider 17, is just not fast enough for you?
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Jet skis are just not fast enough, either?   ???
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OK, how about an amphibious aircraft?!?   8)
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This is an Icon A-5. 
Love this plane, and if I had a spare half a mil laying around, I'd jump right on the waiting list for one.   :P

A pic of my bride, with the expression that says:
"If I see even ONE Rum Runner, or Dark N' Stormy, I'm OUTTA here, Mister!!"  >:(
We're enjoying a coupla burgers, fries and a drink, from one of the food trucks.
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And trying not to think that for what they cost me (plus tip), I could have gotten a quart of  Petit 2015 Flagship varnish!  MAN!!   :o
Ah, well.
The wife can't drink varnish, and for the sake of that woman, I would beg for bread in the streets, if required.

The Power Boat guys are taking a page from the Sailboat guys and busily using their CAD programs to make even UGLIER Euro-Trash stylings.   ::)
When the best-looking part of your rig, is the trailer  . . . . .
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Wow! Pretty cool looking trolling motor!  :)
Tohatsu Alaris 6.0
Not 6.0 hp, 6.0 KiloWatts, which they claim is roughly equivalent to 9.9 hp.
Weighs 71 lbs and the batteries are 70 lbs.
Yeah, roughly 5 times the weight of a Honda 2.3 hp, 4-stroke outboard.
Too much to hang on the  transom of a SCAMP.
And with a price tag of $8,400 bucks,  :o  I doubt we'll EVER see one get installed.
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As close as you're going to get to a cheesecake shot, when it's this cold, guys.  ;)
Bet she'd sell more Pontoon boats, if she ever got off her smart phone!  >:(
 >:(  GEEZE, PEOPLE!!  Why are you even at the Show?!?  >:(
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I didn't get any pics from the boats at the docks this year, owing to a pulled calf muscle curtailing my endurance.  :(
From what I could see, it was the same models and the same line-up, as last year.
So I limped back to the parking lot and went home with the wife.
Figured it would be a lot more fun on the drive home, having someone to talk to.
I think I could maybe get used to this retirement stuff.   8)
Yeah, she scrolled on her phone, the whole way back.   :'( 

Charles Brennan


Nice report Charles.  I've been a couple boats with that faux teak.  It's very comfortable to walk and sit on.  Doesn't get hot in the sun either. 

My wife and I were at an antiques show last fall and couldn't believe how many of the venders were on their phones.  I was interested in a desk and had to say "excuse me" 3 times to get the man's attention.  Why pay for a booth, load stock in a vehicle, bring it to a convention center to sell, then stare at a phone all day?  How do they expect to make a sale?

One gentleman walked up to me saying "You look like a guy who still owns a turntable".  We talked and I left his booth with over $300 of vintage vinyl.  That's how you make a sale.
1985 Compac 19/II  s/v Miss Adventure
1990 Pacific Seacraft Orion  s/v Madame Blue
1986 Seidelmann 295  s/v Sur La Mer

Noemi - Ensenada 20

Charles, didn't Mark Milan paint that middle painting in front? 

Norm L.

The first synthetic teak decking I think was on the new StarShip dinner cruise vessel. It was used at the huge casino in Gulfport then sold over into Tampa. I did a survey for the owners that built it so got a free ride on it to watch the casino's 4th of July show.
They had a synthetic and I've seen it on other dinner cruise vessels where the decks get a lot of use. Owners have told me that the decks, though expensive, have very long lives and save the costs of maintaining decks with paint or other decent looking covering.
No, a SCAMP deck won't get the same wear. But it is good to know if that product will be safe from mustard, ketchup, coffee, red wine, etc. You know the usual problems on small boats.

Riley Smith

I see my granddaughter is right in line with those cowboy boots! What is it about shoes anyway, that women just can't get enough?