Chats: Monday 1900 Eastern and Thursday 1930 Eastern

Started by Spot, Jul 10, 2023, 11:00 AM

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Come join the Fun!

Use the blue link below or the one under the TBSS Burgee!

Monday 1900 Eastern (TSBB) and Thursday 1930 (SailFar) Eastern

You do not have to identify with TSBB or SailFar to participate on a given night, just join in.

No password required at this time.

TSBB and SailFar Chat
Big dreams, small boats...


Use the blue link below or the one under the TBSS Burgee!

Monday 1900 Eastern (TSBB) and Thursday 1930 (SailFar) Eastern

You do not have to identify with TSBB or SailFar to participate on a given night, just join in.

No password required at this time.

TSBB and SailFar Chat

Big dreams, small boats...


Use the blue link below or the one under the TBSS Burgee!

Monday 1900 Eastern (TSBB) and Thursday 1930 (SailFar) Eastern

You do not have to identify with TSBB or SailFar to participate on a given night, just join in.

No password required at this time.

I am not sure if I can make this week's chats, I need to button up some stuff outdoors in the waning daylight and temps (22F / -5C here this morning)...

TSBB and SailFar Chat

Big dreams, small boats...


We've achieved 'sticky post'status thanks to the Moderators!

Use the blue link below or the one under the TBSS Burgee!

Monday 1900 Eastern (TSBB) and Thursday 1930 (SailFar) Eastern

You do not have to identify with TSBB or SailFar to participate on a given night, just join in.

No password required at this time.

TSBB and SailFar Chat

Big dreams, small boats...


Big dreams, small boats...


First chat of the year hope you all can join us I'll be there for as long as my shoulder will let me


I might not be able to sign in on 1-Feb at 1930 Eastern.
Please join and carry on regardless!

Big dreams, small boats...


Chat link, same link is under the blue burgee in the upper right hand corner of the forum pages:
Big dreams, small boats...


Chat link, same link is under the blue burgee in the upper right hand corner of the forum pages:

I hope to make the beginning of Monday 1900 Eastern chat, will have to drop off at 1930 Eastern for a work thing.
Big dreams, small boats...


Chat link, same link is under the blue burgee in the upper right hand corner of the forum pages:

I hope to be joining later, feel free to start without me.
Big dreams, small boats...


Chat link, same link is under the blue burgee in the upper right hand corner of the forum pages:

Please carry on without me as I attend to other boaty things this summer. -Spot
Big dreams, small boats...