CDCR 2K23 3 of 6 parts

Started by Charles Brennan, Oct 09, 2023, 07:26 PM

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Charles Brennan

(Sorry for posting on the installment plan; seems to be a new restriction.)

Boats drifting in every direction on every point of sail, all the makings of a First Class Bob N' Bake.
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10:05 and the race is on!!
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Not that you could tell.
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First boat to cross the starting line, did so 20 minutes into the race.
Tide was pushing me backwards slightly and as you can see at the bottom of this pic, the water was so clear, I could see the vegetation on the bottom.
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A lone coconut to keep me company, from astern.
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Egad!  Passed up by a Coconut!  How embarrassing!!
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I started sensing, rather than feeling a slight breeze and slowly started making way and was surprised that my boat was moving and this big boat was not.
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They jokingly asked if we would give them a tow, since I was moving and they were not.
I shouted back: "Hey! You're going backwards faster than I am!!"
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Part 4 coming.
Charles Brennan