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crazy schedule

Started by Captain Kidd, Oct 19, 2023, 09:17 AM

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Captain Kidd

The grandkids are into all sorts of things: ballgames, concerts, homecoming etc. My wife's brother passed away which required a trip to VA. Our cat died. Harder than you might think after having her as part of our household for 17 years. My wife is really missing her.

I'm hoping to do the Tennessee River gorge, a 30 mile stretch of the river from Chattanooga down to Hale's Bar at I-24. We'll see. Some nice fall days in the forecast.

A few pics of Roxie.

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You might like this. For pet lovers anyway.

By Roxie's daddy

We rescued you from the trailer park
How special you've been from the very start
You were beautiful with your colorful fur
Were shocked when we heard your gruff purr
Now silence
Kitty's gone

You were almost human, you reached out to touch
Pets are precious, we loved you so much
It was always a joy, when we'd open the door
You'd come to meet us from lying on the floor
So happy
Kitty's gone

After our showers, the water you'd lick
For some reason, you liked the carpet to pick
On your pillow you'd lie under the coffee table
We long to see you if only we were able
Our Calico
Kitty's gone

You followed your mommy from room to room
Now only memories and sometimes gloom
To the recliner you'd jump into daddy's lap
And soon get down after a little nap
Lap's empty
Kitty's gone

You were not allowed on mommy's couch
But you were so sweet in your little pouch
We'd be busy about our day
Around the corner, you'd come join the fray
Where's Kitty?
Kitty's gone

In time you started the door jamb to scratch
You didn't know daddy would have to patch
Into the kitchen begging for a treat
You seemed to gather around our feet
Treats are there
Kitty's gone

Out of bed, we watched where we stepped
We'd wonder and search to see where you slept
No longer a mess in the utility room,
Nothing we couldn't fix with towels and a broom
All is clean
Kitty's gone

During the day, came time to explore
To make you happy we'd open the door
You'd jump on the bed, disturb our sleep
Then came the time you no longer could leap
Wish you could
Kitty's gone

To fill your bowls with food and water
To be sure it was no bother
Maybe now we'll decorate a big tree
It won't be the same without Kitty
Just stillness
Kitty's gone

Your beautiful coat you were always grooming
When you stopped, we feared the end was looming
No longer we'll see you lying in the sun
We had to take you in just like Bun
And sadly
Kitty's gone

After keeping us company for 17 sweet years,
We had to say goodbye through a flood of tears,
When you last went to sleep, in my arms I did hold
I laid you in the ground, oh so cold
Grief is real
Kitty's gone

Now you can sleep under the flowers
Where the grass will grow from the gentle showers
You'll never know how much your life
Meant to me and especially my wife
Our Roxie
Kitty's gone

Companion, comforter, ally and friend
You were true and loyal to the very end
Father Time finally tore us apart
But you'll forever be in our heart
Even though
Kitty's gone

"They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep." Psalm 107:23-24

Brian N.

What a wonderful poem tribute to your cat Roxie. We have had to part with three cats over the years, two of them were over 21 years old, and indeed they are missed. In 2019 we adopted two brothers from The Brooklyn Cat Café (NY). What clowns they are and joyful pets.

Hope your trip down the river works out. Alas, here in NY, sailing season is just about over. Last night the news reported some snow flurries in the mountains. Fall colors are wonderful however and my wife and I are hiking a fair amount.
Fair winds
Brian N.

Riley Smith

My condolences to you and your wife. I can't remember what it is like to have a nice cat and not a blood-thirsty panther. Even then, I'll miss her when she's gone. She's sort of like me and likes a good rumble every so often, but you have to wrap up or you'll get shredded or worse, bitten. I don't hold it against her; it's just her nature. And speaking of crazy schedules, I was up at 2:30am yesterday because my internal clock is sort of messed up. It sure made for a long day  :-\

Norm L.

That is a beautiful ode to a special friend.
We have had so many dogs over the years (and parrots and gerbils and fish) but my favorite was Madison, a huge Maine Coon. We had her for 18 years despite my slight allergy to cats. Peace was sitting in the recliner with him in my lap looking out on the lake. Those who remember Jeff Fuchs may also remember that he is a bit if a one-legged Renaissance man. He did a beautiful charcoal drawing of Madison that we still keep near.
Such sadness when they leave as they can give so much and take so little.

My affection has been transferred to Bella our 165 pound rescue. It's about giving back as she needed love and affection more than we do. It is coming up on two years and she has come a long way but still fears strangers and quick movements. Still on guard.

Captain Kidd

Obviously many have had to say goodbye to a beloved pet.

Two that lived 21 years! Wow! Not sure my wife is up to another cat right now. The thought of going through this again is pretty painful for her. Maybe in time. My sister just got sibling kittens. They're a blast. Roxie had a sibling but a neighbor in the trailer park took that one.

A "panther"? I'm assuming you mean a rough cat. My dad had one. He thought a lot of him.

I remember Madison. What say you post that drawing for us.
"They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep." Psalm 107:23-24

Jim B., CD-25

I feel your busy and extend condolences for your family's loss.

When my sister died unexpectedly years ago, it ripped my heart out.  We've been through the loss of 3 great felines... I said, "Never again," when we lost the first one at nearly 22 years.  And then another cat came to rescue us and showed us that we have more room in our hearts to love a great furry family memeber.  I wrote a book about our travels with Molly (Cat On A Leash).  And now, over 40 years with 4 different cats.  Each one has been different, all have been special.  Rufus is the "new kid," with us for 5 years now.  He owns our hearts.

We are in the middle of a move from the Texas Gulf Coast to the desert southwest.  It has been daunting, but we plug away at it each day, for several months now.  The new house will be done next week.  "Done" is just a starting point... so much to do, it feels like it will never be "done."  I used to think "done" was when you had no more projects to complete... I've come to the conclusion that done is when the money is gone.

Captain Kidd

Quote from: Jim B., CD-25 on Oct 20, 2023, 10:20 AMI feel your busy and extend condolences for your family's loss.

When my sister died unexpectedly years ago, it ripped my heart out.  We've been through the loss of 3 great felines... I said, "Never again," when we lost the first one at nearly 22 years.  And then another cat came to rescue us and showed us that we have more room in our hearts to love a great furry family memeber.  I wrote a book about our travels with Molly (Cat On A Leash).  And now, over 40 years with 4 different cats.  Each one has been different, all have been special.  Rufus is the "new kid," with us for 5 years now.  He owns our hearts.

We are in the middle of a move from the Texas Gulf Coast to the desert southwest.  It has been daunting, but we plug away at it each day, for several months now.  The new house will be done next week.  "Done" is just a starting point... so much to do, it feels like it will never be "done."  I used to think "done" was when you had no more projects to complete... I've come to the conclusion that done is when the money is gone.

Wow! These 21 year-old cats! Roxie was certainly a senior cat. She was never sick but her back legs gave out. Guess it was arthritis. She was right at the point she could hardly stand up. She was losing weight and down to just over 8 lbs. The vet tried the most powerful injection he had with little, if any, effect. A very hard decision but it was inevitable.
"They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep." Psalm 107:23-24

Wayne Howard

Connie and I have lost 3 dogs and one cat. It doesn't matter how long they have been in your life, it leaves a huge hole in your heart. It still hurts. I used to mess with my cat when I was home. He would get comfortable on the chair with me and go to sleep. I would ease out of the chair and go to another room and a different chair. And be all alone for about 10 minutes before he would hunt me down.  :)
Wayne Howard
Master and Commander of S/V Impetuous
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing.

Doug SC

Beautiful poem!
It is a loss that the heart will long remember, but there is usually room in there for new memories with another. They teach us many of life's lessons the major one is often unconditional love.

Brian N.

Wayne - funny thing about cats, they know where you are hiding! No matter where I might be sitting, or napping in the house, they find me  :)
Fair winds
Brian N.

Captain Kidd

BTW: here are the flowers that the poem mentions, sunflowers that I painted on our stockade fence a couple years ago. Roxie is buried under those flowers.

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"They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep." Psalm 107:23-24

Norm L.

I have a photo of that drawing but after combing through numerous possible files I only found that I need to setup well titled files and do a whole lotta shifting so I can find things inn less than a half day. That did lead me to dumping a lot of photos out of my phone. There is no reason to have 4 of the same shot, particularly when only one is a good shot.

I'll take another photo of posing Madison. That will guarantee that I will find the first one.

Captain Kidd

Quote from: Norm L. on Oct 22, 2023, 05:11 PMThere is no reason to have 4 of the same shot, particularly when only one is a good shot.

Didn't mean to create so much work. LOL. It is very easy with these phones to accumulate even 1000's of pics. I try to keep mine at 1000. Takes regular purging. I also dump pics to my desktop, upload to google photos, and save on an external hard drive.
"They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep." Psalm 107:23-24