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Maybe an early Spring?

Started by noelH, Feb 07, 2024, 01:55 PM

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Like Spring started in January.

The L. Superior ice fisherman are using boats this winter.  The warming trend continues, but this winter is way off from the new "normal".  Last couple morning watched couple people fishing in their small boat on the glass calm waters North of Houghton Pt.  So far, this year. Maybe one week of "winter".  The drought continues. Total snowfall at the house has been 67cm. 20cm came in late October. Even at this elevation above the Lake any South exposed slope is snow free. Should be 1-2 meters of snowpack. Last few days winter hiking on the trails that lead to the summit. Snow cover over the last couple days has melted from 15cm to 10cm or bare ground even at the summit and on the North exposures. Nordic ski trails have stretches of bare ground. Weeks of high temps +5 to +10C with night time temps rarely dropping below 0C.  This is the Great White North. Not this year. Ok... Just jinxed our Spring. April, May snowstorms?
Sage S15

Norm L.

I remember spring heavy snow. Easter is early so one's Easter bonnet may have earmuffs.

But the future doesn't look good for ice skate and ski shops.

Riley Smith

The Japanese magnolia is finally blooming here, which is a couple of weeks later than normal. I can tell from my FB memories  ;)  Mardi Gras is in full swing and it's fairly warm, so maybe so. It is also pollening here and naturally I'm sick. The pollen ALWAYS makes me sick, but this is the first time it ever woke me up blowing bubbles out of my nose :P  Yep, the dreaded springtime man-cold. Hopefully I'll live but I wouldn't take bets on it. ;D

Frank B.

It's strange, The Daffodils are in full bloom but about two weeks later than the last few years.  We had a record breaking cold snap, as we did last winter.  My Azaleas did not bloom last year and I don't think they will this year, maybe they are done for good. But it does seem to be warming up early based on the 10 day forecast.  My "Rick O Meter" the amount of firewood I've burned using strict temp protocol for when to burn is saying this has been a very cold winter so far, however, maybe a short one.  And wet! I think the polar vortex, whatever that is indicated it would be wet here and it has been.


We are back to some real winter here, at least for a few days.
4"/10cm of snow night before last at near freezing temps and 7°F/-14°C here this morning only getting to 18°F/-9°C. The snow was pretty as it hung in the trees but made driving slippery with some 300 accidents were reported statewide.
Big dreams, small boats...


Last official Meteorological day of Winter.  Not sure if those of us that live in this region of the North can consider the last 3 months as winter.  At least in terms of temperature and precipitation.  Up to yesterday we have had a total of 76cm of snowfall. 76 inches would have been considered a mediocre snow season.  Max snowpack depth was maybe 20cm for maybe couple weeks.  Due to my messed up "gyros" from now dx idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss I was a bit of an invalid until the 28th of January.  Finally able to go "winter" hiking on the 28th.  No snowboarding this season.  Too wobbly and lack of snow cover.  No need for snowshoes.  Used the Verts on one hike for just a short section of the trail. Actually got rained on couple times in February.  I now pack the uber lightweight backpacking umbrella.  Pretty sad to need an umbrella in the middle of "winter". Went from a high of +10C at sunset on Tuesday to -11C at sunrise yesterday. Even with the cold night the ice keeps melting on the Bay. Open water N. of the mid-Bay lighthouse pier.  Email from the Washburn Marina notes they are planning to launch the first boats in late April.  Last winter was mild, but with "good old days normal", now a days heavy snowfall.  Cool spring in '23 delayed boat launching until into early May.  All the other marinas located outside of the Bay could have launched boats a few weeks ago. Did see one sailboat drifting around in December between the Mainland and Madeline. If you really wanted to you could have sailed every month but January since last May. Something is very off.
Sage S15

Captain Kidd

Quote from: noelH on Feb 07, 2024, 01:55 PMLike Spring started in January.

The L. Superior ice fisherman are using boats this winter.  The warming trend continues, but this winter is way off from the new "normal".  Last couple morning watched couple people fishing in their small boat on the glass calm waters North of Houghton Pt.  So far, this year. Maybe one week of "winter".  The drought continues. Total snowfall at the house has been 67cm. 20cm came in late October. Even at this elevation above the Lake any South exposed slope is snow free. Should be 1-2 meters of snowpack. Last few days winter hiking on the trails that lead to the summit. Snow cover over the last couple days has melted from 15cm to 10cm or bare ground even at the summit and on the North exposures. Nordic ski trails have stretches of bare ground. Weeks of high temps +5 to +10C with night time temps rarely dropping below 0C.  This is the Great White North. Not this year. Ok... Just jinxed our Spring. April, May snowstorms?

Hence, my post "when it's 70 degrees in the middle of February"