Cedar Key Small Boat Meet 2K24: DUDE!! Ya Reeeeely Missed it! . . . . . .

Started by Charles Brennan, May 09, 2024, 03:51 PM

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Charles Brennan

Ah, well.   :(
The wife wanted to do something specific on the Saturday of the Cedar Key Small Boat Meet.  For her, I have no pride and I would beg for bread in the streets, for the sake of that woman.
Besides, the CKSBM is Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Right?!? I'll just hang out with all the Hungovers, on Sunday Morning! :D

Shoulda got suspicious, when I found a parking spot in the main lot. Hmmmmm . . . .
Rigged and launched without incident, OF COURSE!   >:(   Because no one was there, watching me.
Went under the low bridge and was heartened to see the Sea Pearl and Coquina, (and some other small boat that I have yet to identify) that typically hang outside that condo on CKSBM weekends.
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The winds were up enough that I was glad I had left Urchin at home, rather than try to launch at the main (muderous!) ramp.   :o
 I have been waiting patiently for Short Ribs my RIB's Yamaha Manufacturer's warranty to run out, so I could add a Doel-Fin to help it get up on a plane, faster.
Had one on the Ole Ever-rude and greatly missed the performance.
Oh, MY!! :)
Think this fin is better designed than the old one; I was ZIPPING!!!  ;D
It climbs over its bow wave and planes, in under 3 seconds.
Color me, HAPPY!!  ;D

And for once, I was the first guy on the island, at Atsena Otie Key!! :)
All these years, all I needed to do was to go at 20 knots, instead of 4 knots!  Who knew?
So, HAH!!   8)
Nary a small (sail)boat  in sight.
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From any direction.
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All by my lonesome, so while waiting, I busied myself doing some of those chores that any boat seems to accumulate.
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Trash on the beach.
You NEVER see that on a BEER Cruise; they have volunteers that pick up trash before leaving in the morning, to go to the next spot.
Personally, I blame it all on Kayakers.   >:(
Except for the weekends, it's me kayaking over there.
I suddenly realized that somewhere along the line, I quit carrying a net trash bag on the boat, for just such events as this one.
Stowed it in the anchor locker, along with a mental note not to forget it when I got home.
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A Mahogany Rudder!!   :)
Or perhaps, some poor Sailor's Tombstone.   ???
When you're in the process of building a boat, EVERYTHING is Boat Parts.
I checked it out and between the foil shape and the general condition of the wood, I decided to leave it be.
Zoom in a little at the bronze eyestrap in the top left of the pic and well, THAT was a different story!
Made short work of that with my Leatherman, I did!!
Hey! Parts is parts!!   ;)
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Dunno why the National Park Service decided you couldn't walk past that sign, but relieving oneself in the bushes, was going to be problematic.
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Had visions of all the Small Boat Meet sailors waist deep in the water, just like a BEER Cruise!   ;D

Yes, Virginia, it IS possible to take a nap on a 10-foot 8-inch boat, with sufficient motivation!
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Not a bad way to look back at Cedar Key.
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Although I noticed my 15 year old Sperrys are basically shot.   :-[
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Pelican unfazed by my snoring, wandered by.
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Literally waded ashore.
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Finally!! Boaters!! OK, just a coupla kayaks in search of Redfish, but still, at least I no longer had Robinson Crusoe status.
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I was beginning to despair of seeing any of the sailors, when this guy showed up in his sailing canoe.
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Nice workmanship; said his nickname was Goakie.
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I asked where everybody was.
He said: "DUDE! Ya reeeely missed it!! There was a TON of boats here, yesterday!!   :D

Check the curve under that boat seat.
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Now check the hump of black non-slip.  He merely leans to windward and the seat obligingly slides over in that direction.
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Hobie Tandem Adventure Islander
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I waded over to help them beach the boat and was politely waved off. 
They were just coming ashore long enough for a stretch their legs break.
I asked about other boaters.  They said I shoulda seen it yesterday!!
Yeah, yeah. I know.

There WERE several boats in the Bay, zipping hither and yon.
I decided no one was going to Atsena Otie Key when the weather and winds were this good, so I decided I would just get out there and chase them down for pics! :)
After all, I be ZIPPING!! :D
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I didn't get too close to any of the boats because I didn't want to be rude with my wake.
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So I would maneuver alongside and in front of them and then let them sail past, while I idled the engine.
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Uhhh  . . . .  Dude! Ya might wanna check your halyard! ;)  Maybe even, the downhaul!

Never got close enough to find out if this was a Core Sound or a Sea Pearl, but whichever it was, it moved out Smartly.
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Whaddaya think? Sea Pearl, maybe?
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A guy out on his 1974 (as I found out later on, at the ramp)  O'Day Daysailor.
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Mostly a lake sailor, this was one of his first sojourns into the Bay and his daughter's stomach rebelled, forcing an early retreat.
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Goat Island Skiff.
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No idea.
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But, at least, they were out there!
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After a while, I admitted that indeed, I had REEEEELY missed it   :'(  and went back in and retrieved my boat; vowing never again to take a Saturday Cedar Key Small Boat Meeet for granted.

Charles Brennan


Nice report. I believe that last boat is a Norseboat. Not sure of the size.
1985 Compac 19/II  s/v Miss Adventure
1986 Seidelman 295 s/v Sur La Mer

Captain Kidd

Thanks, Charles. I've joined the WCTSS Facebook site and looks like they did have a good time. They are very active! One of these days...
"They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep." Psalm 107:23-24

Robert Hazard

Hello Charles,
I just found this group, but I can tell you about the third boat in your OP. It is a Chamberlain gunning dory built by John Gardner in the 1960's. It belongs to a friend of mine. The Coquina is mine, launched in 2010.
And,YES, you did miss the big day on Saturday! In fact, some of us Cedar Key regulars arrive on Thursday so we can sail around on Friday before the usual weekend crowds show up. Please come join us!

Rob Hazard

Charles Brennan

Rob, Welcome to the TSBB!  :)
Elsewhere, (TSBB General Talk) are several posts of mine (dating back to last December) of my progress in acquiring a SCAMP hull and finishing it. It is hull #3 formerly owned by Howard Rice.  I hope to do it justice.

Key word search: Almost-A-SCAMP

Charles Brennan

Robert Hazard

Thank you, Charles!
As it happens, aside from my Coquina, I also have a SCAMP, (#197 PUFFIN) which lives in Maine. I built it from a kit, taking my time to see how the design evolved from group-sourcing on the SCA website.
I conversed with Howard about adding the footwell, and wound up essentially copying his design, which I think makes the boat much more comfortable to sail, as well as to camp aboard.
I also devised a comfy lounge chair in the cuddy, using the footwell cover/rowing seat/dining table as a backrest. I started a thread about it over on the SCA website. That was several years ago, so it may take some searching to find it.

I will check out your Almost-A-SCAMP topic.


Robert Hazard

That sailing canoe with the red sail is a strip-built version of Hugh Horton's Bufflehead design. Goke let me try sailing it a couple years ago, and it handles very nicely. I believe Goke completed the Everglades Challenge in it.