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Orcas and rudders

Started by Riley Smith, May 25, 2024, 06:55 AM

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Riley Smith

I have only seen a puma once and that was in a zoo. It was a lot bigger than I believed and awhile back there was a NFL player that killed one that was eating local animals and that thing was HUGE. It was living under the porch of a house IIRC. Maybe vacant? I have an aversion to animals that feed on humans!

Riley Smith

I'd love to see a cougar in the wild (if I were armed). Not much into getting stalked. The only one I've ever seen was in a zoo and I was amazed how big its paws were. We have them here but they're like ghosts and there is so much jungle that you'll hardly ever get the chance to see them. The wildlife people say that isn't the case but I know many that have seen them. Including one of my buds that showed me a casting of a paw-print of one he'd seen. It was a little smaller than the size of my out-stretched hand.