Graduation season - milestone

Started by Captain Kidd, May 30, 2024, 01:01 PM

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Captain Kidd

We reached a milestone in our family this graduation season: our first grand graduated from high school a couple weeks ago. I thought I'd post a few pics.

Here's Luke with Gigi and Poppy just after the ceremony. He graduated with high honors (straight A's), was a National Honor Society member, a member of the Beta Club, Star Student (highest score in class on SAT's), and was head prefect (kinda like SGA president). He was shooting for valedictorian or salutatorian but the competition was stiff - a third of his class graduated with straight A's.

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Here is a pic of him around 4 or 5 years old. I took him out on my little dinghy Pixie for a little row.

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Here he is at his graduation party wearing the very same lifejacket!

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And look at the pic in his hands.

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Luke was just promoted to shift leader at Chic-fil-A. They had already been leaving him in charge of the restaurant at just 17 years of age.

His sister and brother as well as 2 of 3 cousins (the third cousin: I doubt they give those kind of grades in preschool) all finished their year with straight A's. Don't mean to brag, but we got some grand grands!

Oh! and BTW - that youngest grand just graduated from preschool. Yippee!

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Riley Smith

He looks like a great young man! Cool about the pic! Our first grand just graduated in New Mexico. We had plans on attending but I've always mentioned what happens to plans. O well, the young woman is gonna be great!

Captain Kidd

Quote from: Riley Smith on May 30, 2024, 01:11 PMHe looks like a great young man! Cool about the pic! Our first grand just graduated in New Mexico. We had plans on attending but I've always mentioned what happens to plans. O well, the young woman is gonna be great!

How about that! Congrats on your milestone!!! NM is a long way away. I'm sure she knows your heart.

Jim B., CD-25

Congrats all around!  You have every reason to be proud of that young man.

Frank B.

Congratulations! A proud moment for sure.  Our oldest grandson graduated last spring and has just finished his freshman year at Villanova in Philly.  I saw him last week, our whole family was in Mexico Beach, FL for the annual chaotic beach bash.  Peaked at thirty humans, cooking for that crowd a challenge.  I told my grandson he should work harder in school (he was 4.0 in high school and 4.0 for his freshman year at Villanova), he just laughed.  He took college courses in the summer his last two years of high school and is taking some this summer.  I think he may enter his sophomore year almost a Junior. 

Team leader at Chic-fil-A, around here we say they should scrap all governments and put Chic-fil-A teams in charge and things will finally get straightened out.

Captain Kidd

Quote from: Frank B. on Jun 02, 2024, 06:39 AMCongratulations! A proud moment for sure.  Our oldest grandson graduated last spring and has just finished his freshman year at Villanova in Philly.  I saw him last week, our whole family was in Mexico Beach, FL for the annual chaotic beach bash.  Peaked at thirty humans, cooking for that crowd a challenge.  I told my grandson he should work harder in school (he was 4.0 in high school and 4.0 for his freshman year at Villanova), he just laughed.  He took college courses in the summer his last two years of high school and is taking some this summer.  I think he may enter his sophomore year almost a Junior. 

Team leader at Chic-fil-A, around here we say they should scrap all governments and put Chic-fil-A teams in charge and things will finally get straightened out.

Sounds like your grandson has a lot on the ball!

Luke did some AP classes during his last two years which should net him some college credit. Not sure how much yet.

I took the tour of Chic-fil-A last year. That alone was worth a semester in college.

Norm L.

Congratulations to you all.
But dang it! All those kids are too smart to be trailer sailors and to bob and bake. Or be wet and frozen.
Or to have clothes with 5200 spots.
We were bad leadership examples.  :o