Jimmy Buffett and skin cancer

Started by Norm L., Jun 13, 2024, 04:20 PM

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Norm L.

I have previously posted about skin cancer. Having spent 60 years mostly outside on or around water I have become BFF with my dermatologist. Two plastic surgeons saved me from a career in horror movies.
I went to him today and we had a good discussion about Merkel cell carcinoma.
It is rare and it has been easy for a person and a doctor to ignore. No longer. Buffett's death has MDs looking closer.
Go to merkelcell.org. The photos will tell you a lot. It is not a cancer that is very fast, but it seems that it is too often ignored until it has spread.

Today he froze every bump on my arms and took out one piece for testing. There will be another check in two weeks.

Use Good sunscreen and sun shirts. Consumer Reports just posted their tests on sunscreens. and I was amazed on how name and effectiveness didn't always match. It would be worth buying a copy if you don't belong and read online.

Captain Kidd

I've had 4 skin cancers removed and umpteen places frozen, 21 on last visit, 15 the time before that. I go at least every six months if not every three.

No melanomas yet. My mom had it.

Never heard of merkel cell. I'll check it out.

edit: https://www.skincancer.org/blog/jimmy-buffetts-death-puts-merkel-cell-carcinoma-in-the-spotlight/


Some of my acquaintance think I might be going over the edge. First use a combo, the so called "broad spectrum sunscreen".  Apply a more than you think you need quantity a good +20minutes before sun exposure to allow max absorption.  Top off with a zinc/titanium physical blocker prior to heading out. The mineral blockers are not as effective as most of the chemical sunscreen against UVA. The UV exposure that increases your risk for various forms of skin cancer. But allow x% less of UVA and UVB that needs to be absorbed by the combo sunscreen might make them more and prolong the hours effectiveness than without. 

At my age. Maybe a bit too late in life. Decades of competitive tennis, morphing into bike racing and windsurfing.  Now add sailing. Factor in reduced immune function due to aging and exposure to whatever. Spring through Autumn, the sunscreen goes on after brushing the teeth every morning. Long sleeve sun guard, the broad rim Tilley is standard clothing. 
Sage S15

Noemi - Ensenada 20

The doctor I follow has posted information recently advising that only the mineral sunscreens are really safe to put on your skin.  WITH sources. 

Fine by me.  Mineral sunscreens are safer for the environment and critters.