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Coffee Buddy

Started by Riley Smith, Jul 04, 2024, 06:50 AM

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Riley Smith

I thought I'd post a pic of my coffee buddy. We get the day started together early most mornings, while it is still cool. There's a pair or more and they flit and hop about all over everything. Last night, one of the pair that hangs around slept in the shop overnight. And wasn't worth the trouble to run it out in the mass of stuff. Which might have even been almost impossible given their propensity to fine the most inaccessible crack and hide. Anyway, I had to open the shop at daylight to let the little rascal OUT.You cannot view this attachment.


Nice pic. What type of bird is it?
1985 Compac 19/II  s/v Miss Adventure
1986 Seidelman 295 s/v Sur La Mer

Riley Smith

It's a Carolina wren. They have the biggest song around too!

Frank B.

My Buddies are common house wrens.  My shop is not air conditioned so I tend to leave the doors open in warmer weather, a walk in and two swinging barn doors in the back. Invariably the wrens will come in particularly if I go back to the house for lunch. I try to remember to run them out when I quit for the day, always worried I'll trap one in there and we go off for a few days, find a starved or dehydrated wren when I get back.

Riley Smith

My brother came back from fishing for bream and had a surplus of crickets that he planned on using the next day. In the clean-up phase, the wren was hanging around and noticed the cricket cage, and my brother noticed him getting a cricket during a break in the action. So, one of the last acts he did before closing shop, was to put the cricket cage inside. He said the wren was watching all this intently and sat for a bit as if thinking. The next morning the crickets were all gone and the wren flew outside the shop as he opened the door.

Doug SC

Those little rascals as you call them love to nest in the air conditioner cowling on top of our Casta trailer, and in the bow or stern end caps of my upside-down canoes in the shed. I have had to cancel using both until the young fledge. I cover the cowling now so they can't get in there to nest. I have 2 other canoes and 3 kayaks so can still go paddling anyway. They are fun to watch.

Riley Smith

Some nested in a clay pot that hung on the fence so we just left them alone. It was amazing to see mama urging the babies out of the nest with a high pitched constant peeping.

Brian N.

We have some dense bushes around our pool and every year several pairs of birds, including Carolina wrens make their nest among the foliage. The Wrens are by far the most vocal. To relate this to sailing we are fortunate to have several species of gulls, many species of ducks, Brant, geese, plovers, egrets, herons, cormorants, skimmers, oyster catchers, ospreys and even bald eagles. It is not uncommon to see all in a single day. I never grow tired of watching them.
Fair winds
Brian N.