Almost-A-SCAMP Progress Report #8 . . . .

Started by Charles Brennan, Aug 18, 2024, 04:34 PM

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Riley Smith

Charles, for one of your bent, you need to get a laser for the waterline. A water level would work I suppose, but that trick I used with marking height above a floor while chocked wasn't the ideal because of the floor! You're going to have a fine boat in the end.

Charles Brennan

Riley, Ummm . . . . .  I would refer you to report #8B:  ;)

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Charles Brennan

Riley Smith

Yes! ( Missed that part CB) I love lasers, they make my work SO much easier. However, you CAN make a mistake with them on compound curves if you aren't careful. I learned this the hard way when a vertical seam on a round tank diverged from VERTICAL. Turned out the laser had to be at a perfect right angle at that point to get a true measurement. I lay stuff out. Lots of stuff of all kinds of shapes and angles. 3D to 2D can be a mind bender. Another tool is one of the digital angle finders that'll get down in the seconds (Degrees, minutes, seconds). Where was all this when I was scratching my head and asking myself if I need to use the INVERSE angle?

Riley Smith a vinyl water line if you plan on using one. You can get one in a kit or custom design it yourself. It is so much easier and faster and a better result. And at our age, the time alone is more than worth it, and it isn't that expensive anyway. That's what I'm doing the NEXT time.