Almost-A-SCAMP Progress Report #8B . . . .

Started by Charles Brennan, Sep 03, 2024, 09:18 PM

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Charles Brennan

Previously, I had fixed a mistake in my rudder blade by gluing on a small block from where I had gotten perhaps, a little over-enthusiastic, removing material that the designer, John Welsford, deemed necessary.  :P
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Here is the edge of the rudder blade, just prior to some more re-shaping that I did, after seeing this pic.
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Also, I didn't have to do THAT much sanding; the camera lens was having its way with me, again.  ???

Finally got the third coat of epoxy on my shelving unit.
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That white on the sides is lens glare from the garage lighting; over-all, it's pretty shiny.
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And here's what 3 coats of epoxy looks like on the inside of the hull.   :)
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Added a graphite epoxy coat to the ballast tank, on the left (discourages algae growth in the tank)  and to the footwell, on the right.  (Helps with scuffing, wear and tear on an actively used part of the cockpit.)
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Blue tape is covering the centerboard bushings and the green tape is covering the ballast water drain/fill.

My next challenge was to scribe the DWL (Design Water Line).  :-\
To do this requires a leveled-off hull in two planes: side-to-side and fore-and-aft.
Nailed it!  :)
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That's what 3/16" off center, looks like.  Shimmed a castor wheel on the dolly holding the hull.
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Borrowed the son-in-law's laser level and blocked and shimmed, until I matched the lines on the plans.
Starboard side.
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And since I can't draw a straight line even with a ruler,  :-[  I decided not to free-hand the laser line with a sharpie laundry marker but instead, used a metal ruler as a guide held against the laser line, for the sharpie.
Why not a pencil?   ???
Because I wanted something that would bleed though several coats of  epoxy and a layer of fiberglass.

Here is the port side.
What are those 2 (of 4) screw clamps doing?   ???
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Holding in this guy, until the epoxy glue sets up.
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And that's the last project for Phase I of my SCAMP build!   8)
Next: Flipping the hull over and glassing the bottom and building skegs and painting and whatnot!!   ;D

I am also doing the last niggling chores on Urchin, to prepare her for sale. 
Got the outboard repaired and got the swing keel cable replaced and the winch brake pad replaced and those were the last items on my check list.
Went to Cedar Key, figuring I'd splash the boat, tool around on the motor for a while and crank the swing keel up and down a coupla times and then I could wash the boat, take pics and place my ad.
Wasn't going to use the main ramp that opens into the Gulf of Mexico; especially when it's 1 to 2 feet, at the ramp!   :o
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I was going to play it safe and use the other ramp, used by small boaters.
There is a low bridge which precludes launching Urchin because of the mast, but I figured I would leave the mast down and just tool around under power.
I'd tie up to that convenient dock just behind and to the left of the sailboat in this pic, taken May 5th at the Cedar Key Small Boat Meet.
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WHERE'S MY DOCKS?!?!?!?   :o
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Seems like Hurricane Debbie blew them away, on August 5th.  :(
DOHHHH!!!   :P

Hmmmm . . . . .  OK, Plan B: Head to Horseshoe Beach and launch from there.
Will have to head out pretty far to test the swing keel, since it's kind of shallow over there, but hey, you do what you can.
Got to Horseshoe Beach and their ramp was indeed, open.
But the park entrance to said ramp, was closed!!  (Yeah, they got hit by Debbie pretty good, too.)
(Or perhaps, stronger expressions of dismay.)  :'(

Went home in frustration, deciding to go clear up to Steinhatchee the next day.
Which my wife reminded me, was the beginning of Labor Day Weekend.
Donwanna be within MILES of a boat ramp on Labor Day Weekend in Florida; my Warrior Days are far behind me.
Ah, well, maybe this week.

But I am excited to finally get to work on Phase II of my plan.
Charles Brennan

Captain Kidd

You're a working trick! Good progress all around. Sorry bout the ramps. I guess Cedar Key took a pretty good hit.