Too Optimistic. The reality

Started by noelH, Sep 26, 2024, 01:48 PM

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Last week of August and 1st week on September, the winds were like the "good old days" of September winds. Since then pretty much nada. Thinking, guessing.  September temperatures (highs +25C/77F) are more like "normal" August days.  The trees are just starting to have a hint of Autumn colors. Back years ago the Bayfield Apple Fest which is usually held on the 1st full weekend of October was usually mid to early peak Autumn colors.  It may be late September, but feels like late August. Looks like late August.  Noon temp was >25C. The winds are like August. Somewhere, but here. No one is really complaining about a longer Northwoods Summer. Beats snow or worse.
Sage S15

Norm L.

I'll send you up a banana tree. They come back after a freeze.  ;D