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new scamp plans

Started by plecotus, Jan 05, 2025, 10:42 AM

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i am french and i would like to build a John Welsford scamp, but the importer here ( France ) wrote me that the construction booklet is on standby while waiting for its i am impatient to start this project, i would like to know if John Welsford could give me some hope on its upcoming availability and that the local dealer has the opportunity to translate it into french....
thank you for your attention

Charles Brennan

Long eared Bat, (plecotus) Interesting handle! You'll fit right in with this group!
Welcome!  :)

Olivier, The current build manual revision is 1.5 from around 2018. I bought a partially completed SCAMP build a year ago and that was the build manual revision I got.
SCAMP (Small Craft Advisor Magazine Project) hence the name, is owned by the publisher of Small Craft Advisor, who commissioned John Welsford to design it and has all rights to the design. Distribution of plans and kits and components is administered by Duckworks, a small boat parts supplier.
There has been talk for a few years of having Howard Rice, an early SCAMP proponent, enthusiast, builder, owner, and all-round SCAMP Guru, to modify and rewrite the existing manual.
Problem is, that guy has quite the full plate.

I have had few or no problems using and understanding the build instructions.  That said, I have ignored portions of the build sequence as being illogical, and have gone my own way. 

They have "SCAMP Camps" a few times a year, led by Mr. Rice and occasionally John Welsford.  These camps have helped evolve the design and the build sequence, which is why there is little clamor for a revised building manual.  There is also a SCAMP Builders and Dreamers Facebook group, which is probably more helpful than any revised manual would be.

I have availed myself of their help, numerous times in the past year.

I would recommend that your importer clarify which build revision he has on hand, and if it is rev. 1.5, tell him you prefer not to wait for the next revision.

Hope this helps,
Charles Brennan


Thank you very much Charles for your lightning fast response!!
I will order without delay from newyd marine

merci encore !!! :)

Charles Brennan

Olivier, 3 of the links you cited (Shackleton, Hagoth, and Antarctica) were from a builder a little out of the mainstream SCAMP thinking and some of his choices are not necessarily valid for first time builders; although I hasten to say he also has some very good ideas, that I will be incorporating on my build.
Christine De Merchant's build was also a little unconventional, here and there.
To get a better idea of overall build technique, you could try these links:

Don't forget the SCAMP forum on the SCA web site. 
It's a little tedious to scroll through all the posts made since 2010, so here are some notable threads/blogs to further inform your own opinions.

Finally, you could search through this forum, using the keyword search term: "Almost-A-SCAMP".
SCAMP builders are highly individual and sometimes iconoclastic guys, but each of them have good ideas and sometimes, bad ideas as they themselves, will admit. 
Hopefully these threads, along with the ones you cite will help give you a more rounded overview of the project.
Each of them has greatly helped me and informed my decisions, on my own build.

Hope this helps,
Charles Brennan


I am in good hands here! the answers are quick and judicious...
I should be able to start drooling over my construction booklet within a week,before starting the supply of materials for my second boat... I had already had this delicious adventure by building an Ilur by François Vivier, the pope of small boats, here in France...
Thank you Charles

Doug SC

Thanks CB I enjoyed the links. ;D Plecotus, the ilur is a nice boat would you consider posting some photos? I would and I feel sure others here would enjoy seeing them.


merci Doug

Plecotus, last May in the Gulf of Morbihan

Norm L.

I like that. As will some of the other cat boat design lovers here.