"G17" The Glen-L Gathering 2023

Started by Captain Kidd, Sep 27, 2023, 12:07 AM

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Captain Kidd

The Gathering is a get together of boat builders and anyone who likes wooden boats. I've been to several beginning in 2007. Stayed longer at this one and Disciple Ship drew more attention than my previous builds.

I'm taking the chicken's way out for the moment and linking to my blog for the report. Maybe I'll expand/redo this in a day or so.

In any case, there are two trailer sailors in the report: mine and a Glen-L Minuet built and sailed by a man and his wife in their 70's. They were quite agile and handled themselves and the boat well. And they got some great shots of my CIY 16!

Captain Kidd's blog

Riley Smith

There are some nice boats there! Can't beat wooden boat folks!