Cedar Key Small Boat Meet 11/23 Pt 4 of too many . . . .

Started by Charles Brennan, Nov 16, 2023, 10:04 AM

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Charles Brennan

(Apologies for the chopped-up report.  The TSBB server has suddenly limited pics to 8 per post.)

The NIS getting ready to go out for a brief sail.
The owner, Charlie, had enlisted a coupla guys to go out with him.
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Heyyyy . . . . .  that plank's bolt pattern looks strangely familiar . . . . . .
Isn't that off the dock that beat my freshly-painted boat half to death, last May?
Probably ripped off and washed ashore here during Hurricane Idalia's visit last August and is further proof of: Karma.
So, HAH!! :D
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NIS Gus under way.
Idly wondered if Urchin would be moving like that, in airs this light.
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Short Rib on the hard.
Fortunately, a 125 pound hull and 115 pound motor is not that hard to drag back in the water.
I pulled it nose in to the waves and realized I had forgotten to factor in nearly 100 pounds of fuel and 50 pounds or so, of boat glop.
I got it in anyway, but at far more effort than I had expected.
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Couldn't help but notice in all the WCTSS Face Book pics of the weekend, that Short Rib was carefully omitted in ALL the pics.
But, Hey! I'm not bitter!!   >:(

Ahhh!! Back to the side of Cedar Key, where the ramp and the dock both share the same zip code!!
(Can you tell, I really hate the big ramp's design?!?)
A little the worse for wear, after Hurricane Idalia, but adequate to my purposes.
After all, my whole boat IS just a big fender! :D
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Gotta be a tourist.
How the Heck do you get Heat Stroke, in November!!??!!???
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I thoroughly enjoyed the day, out there.
And just like Ratty said:
"Believe me my young friend, there is nothing – absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats."

Charles Brennan

Norm L.

After learning about the hurricane damage in places like Perry (where we almost always pit stop on our Hwy 98 trips) that Cedar Key looks really healthy.

Thanks for the photos. I'll never get tired of the great boat photos and your narration.

Doug SC

I also enjoy your reports! I should try and get down there with my Scamp.

Charles Brennan

Norm, We were fortunate, that Hurricane Idalia delayed turning and came ashore nearly 100 miles from where we all thought she would.  Cedar Key did sustain some damage, to the main docks and some shutters on condos, etc. but was only a fraction of what would have happened if the hurricane had come right over the island.  My own home was spared for the same reason.

Charles Brennan

Charles Brennan

Doug, You really should come down in May, for the Cedar Key Small Boat Meet.  Good People and kindred souls.
If you need someplace to stay, I've got a spare guest room and plenty of parking space, less than an hour away from Cedar Key.

One of the reasons I went this past weekend, was because one of the WCTSS members who said they would show up, is a guy who has a SCAMP and I was going to try and cadge a ride, to see if it might be suitable for Sailors-of-A-Certain-Age.
The pics clearly show he didn't make it, but I am still hopeful of running into him at some point, or the other.  You can make it down here in less than a day, unlike going clear down to Miami.

You are INVITED!! :)
Charles Brennan

Doug SC

Thank you for the invite. I will stay in touch and plan on making the trip in May.

Captain Kidd

Thanks, Charles. Enjoyed the report. Obviously a light-air day but just fun being on the water.