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Meet Dixie

Started by Captain Kidd, Dec 14, 2023, 12:38 PM

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Captain Kidd

You read my story about Roxie, our cat of 17 years that we had to put to sleep on October 6. (

It was very painful especially for my wife. She said she'd never have another cat and have to do that again. Well, a few weeks passed. Our HVAC man was over and we got to talking about cats. He said they had about 10! They had just rescued a calico and it turns out she was carrying a litter. Had 5 kittens. They had her fixed, shots, the works. He said we could have her if we wanted. After thinking about it for a week, my wife decided to give it a try.

So.... here's Dixie!

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According to the vet she's about 2 years old. She's spunky but enjoys laptime as well. It took her a couple days to adjust, but she's doing fine.

For good measure, here are two pics of our former cats, Pixie (2003-06) and Roxie (2006-2023).

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Gotta get used to that tail - Roxie did not have one. And how about those green eyes! Funny thing: Dixie has not meowed yet - not once. Roxie was very talkative.  She purrs which is a good sign though.

Norm L.

Sometimes an empty house gets to you, even though the loss of a pet hurts. I think you need to add Moxie.

Riley Smith

She's pretty! She'll prolly start meowing once she knows you better and learns you have the FOOD!!! And be thankful for the lap thing. This tortoise-shell is too mean and aloof to EVER sit in a lap. Luckily she found us because we're prolly the only humans alive that would put up with her.

Brian N.

We have had several wonderful cats over the years. My daughter invited us over during the pandemic just to meet her new kittens - two brothers who she was fostering for the Brooklyn Cat Café. Yep, we eventually took home the boys who have been great.
Fair winds
Brian N.

Jim B., CD-25

Congrats on the new family member!  Many of us know how a great cat makes a house feel like a home.  We had to go through that with our sweet boy Rufus last month - it never gets easier, but you are doing that last unselfish act of kindness for them.  Ruf was only 7 years old, and a big bundle of joy.  We miss him terribly.

I know there will be another feline in our family, when the right situation presents itself.  It will be a hard act to follow, as Rufus was our constant companion, walked on a leash, would vocally thank me after each meal, loved people and dogs, and always wanted to be snuggled.

Happy for you that the situation presented itself.

Norm L.

As you requested mon capitaine. I had to take a new photo as I couldn't find the original.

This is the work of Jeff Fuchs. Maybe not as interesting as when his art group did nudes. But Janet was always there as chaperone.

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Dixie obviously had a fine life!