ESE Blowing 20, gusting 30

Started by Riley Smith, Apr 28, 2024, 12:13 PM

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Riley Smith

Yes, I guess there's a gale coming. No rain yet, and that's what we need. Maybe we'll get some to water the garden, but that's a bad 'un coming from the looks of things, and maybe we'll get a drop or two out of it. No, I'd not care to be out on the water at the moment. Not at 20-30. Those fluffy clouds hiding the hot spring sun and streaming in off the gulf are feeding the frenzy coming across Texas and up. It feels sort of like a hurricane is coming. Humid but sort of cool in the shade, but you'll sweat out quick if you really get down. And then the wind will cool you off too quick. Nah, I'm good on shore for the moment. All that shallow water I tell about becomes a nightmare with closely spaced whitecaps and an unending pounding. Maybe the water will get high enough to float the whole tree on the beach back from whence it came! In reality, I'm sure there will be more added to it and a cigar roll of reeds and marsh grass as a necklace. Probably enough that a week or ten days need to be spent cleaning up. Heck, it's Spring anyway. Might as well get it all done at one time.


NE, 15-25kts and building.  That's the sheltered nearshore leeward of the Islands.  Usually a good 5-15kts stronger offshore with significantly larger swells.  3.4C feels nasty.  At least it is above freezing. The early scattered whitecaps looked like ice bergs. Nice 1-2 meter shore break between the Sioux and Onion R.  One of the prettier and longer beaches on this side of the Peninsula. Singing sands.

Send some of that Southern heat N.  April and November winds tend to be our strongest.  Those significant low pressure systems S of here create some interesting winds.  This time of year any warm air being sucked up gets the rapid cool down as it goes over the cold water.  Nice in Summer. Our natural A/C.

April almost over. Another weird or maybe new normal month. Impressions are cooler than March, but at least we are finally getting some precipitation.

Few stray Slate Colored Juncos hanging around.  Must be cold up in Canada.  Or maybe their homes are on fire.  BlueBirds have arrived. Rose Breasted Grosbeak showed up early this season sometime in March. SharpShinned Hawk has once again stayed around all winter. Has a liking for Blue Jays. Local Northern Goshawk had to share food. But the Grouse population seem to have exploded.  Birds seemed to be a bit confused like the weather. For a mild winter their seem to be lots of Turkey Vultures.  Bald Eagles are not happy with them. My two Ravens, Ragnar and Freyja just "laugh" at them.
Sage S15

Riley Smith

That was yesterday; this is today. Still cloudy (although you can see some blue in the occasional hole) and wind is around 8kts in the open. Most of South Mississippi isn't open, so it's not much. Temp is nice and not hot and the squall line approaches still. The tye-tye is blooming with its sweet smell, but that has the eyes running. Another time I'd consider a jaunt but with a bad disc in the neck, I think I'll pass. I'm hoping the rain will make it and wash some of the pollen away.


Warmed up to 5.6C. Warm enough to do some boat work. 5-6 meter seas forecasted last night. Awoke to gentle breeze, but the fog level was at elevation. Or maybe in very low clouds. Had to head into town (Bayfield) this AM. Bit windy at Lake level. No fog. Just a low ceiling of grey. Still rollers with occasional whitecaps.

At times last night the rain was coming down with moderate intensity. Rain barrels are full.  Unlike last April.  Just need it to warm up before planting cold tolerant spring veggies. 
Sage S15


Tami says April was warm, but I beg to differ. I don't remember so many days when there was fairly warm sunshine but a deep chill in the breeze, at the same time.

This weekend, up on Lake St. Clair was odd. It was really windy but very warm. Weird for April. On Sunday morning it was warm when the fog rolled in. Then it stayed warm until the fog lifted, then it was cool, then it warmed up again.

BTW. I've been to some ritzy clubs, but Grosse Point YC is over the top. Personally, I don't understand why anyone would want to join such a place! Although I do like bowling and they have lanes.

Frank B.

I remember vaguely my one and only time sailing on Lake St. Clair.  In Detroit for a business conference, the session ended early one day, and one of the session leaders asked if anyone wanted to go for a sail.  Three of us took him up on the offer.  I remember motoring a long, long way on a river? with boats lining both banks the whole way and finally getting out to the lake.  I think it was early fall but somewhat cold and very strong winds.  Had a great time but thankful to be a southern sailor.


Last day of April. Month started with heavy snowfall. More like concrete falling out of the sky and ended with rain. In between it was Red Flag dry. One spark and poof goes the Northwoods. Notice a few BLM fire trucks around to back up the local USDA and State fire fighters. More or less officially warmer than normal, but it felt relatively cool. Feb and March were more than a little warmer than normal.  Rain barrels are full. Nice few days of ENE to NE winds and rain.  We need the rainfall. Relatively calm day. Gentle F3 day is fine with me after the harsh cold winds of the past days.

Definitely not into the yacht club world.  Vela is considered by them too small to be allowed in any of their regattas. SNOBeees. Years ago on my clunker cruising sailboard ('87 Fanatic Viper) I zipped up the S. Channel. A certain not to be named racing yacht was heading W on a beam reach down the channel. Came about. Passed them. Came about. Passed them. Came about. Passed them. They gave me the royal middle finger salute. All decked out in their identical sailing clothing. Told a windsurfing friend who also crews on another full out racing yacht.  He said they are a bunch of SNOBees and some more unkind words. My first encounter with Yahhhttts.
Sage S15

Norm L.

I was once a yacht club Commodore. A yacht club listed in the Lloyd's Book of World Yacht Clubs.  And we had matching sailing clothes. Don't make fun of us!

Our dues were $5.00 per year and our dozen members were just enough to sail and race the two boats. MMAYC. We made fun of ourselves.

My retired Commodore's flag was on the wall in my office and go thrown out when hired people emptied the Katrina damaged offices.

Riley Smith

I've never been a member of a yacht club. Maybe we should get all legal and form the TSYC and I can be in one at last  :D  I nominate Kurt for Commodore and someone will have to do a flag, naturally. We could list the Labrot House as the facility but we'd have to teach that lady on Google maps how to pronounce Gautier  ;D

Norm L.

Riley, there is a flag. The TS Logo.
Weren't they for sale at one time. During an earlier age.

Hey. I can be the Treasurer. Anyone who is interested can send the $100 dues where I will hold it safely in my Cayman Island bank account. What can be more nautical than having your money safe in the Carribean.

Wayne Howard

Wayne Howard
Master and Commander of S/V Impetuous
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing.

Riley Smith

Aren't those usually displayed on standing rigging? If so, I'm SOL with no standing rigging. Although we got a good rain from the tornado outbreak, the rain missed us yesterday and we're watering the garden again. The cucumbers are looking great and so are the tomatoes. I've got the pool clear and ready and we're supposed to be invaded by little terrorists this afternoon. The deck is partly painted and I do some in between episodes with the neck. The terrorists have no idea it is too cold to swim yet. Oh, for a furnace of a metabolism! It is starting to get hot and we're running the a/c in the middle of the day. I'm not up to much with a neck giving me fits. MRI Thursday. I already know what the deal is. Sleep is the only respite.

Norm L.

Ahoy Captain.
In order of priority for you, American flag off the gaff, yacht club off a stern staff, yacht club at the mast head.

I'm not sure where an owner's flag would go but probably off a shroud.