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Windless Days

Started by noelH, Jul 09, 2024, 01:17 PM

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Guessing a high pressure system is parked over western L. Superior. No wind. Just sunny, warm days. Even the rain storm lines veer N and S of open water. Pretty clouds.You cannot view this attachment.
Sage S15

Riley Smith

The wind is often dead during this time of the year and thundershowers frequent. It rained 4 times today, a couple with lightning. I don't sail much during the summer (and can't at the moment). I think sailing should be fun but I can't enjoy myself covered in sweat. I do enjoy the ever-changing atmosphere and the white clouds against the blue sky. I recently got a pair of prescription Ray Ban sun glasses and they make the sky MAGNIFICENT!! I really enjoy watching one of those big clouds reach for the stratosphere while soaking in the pool :)


Yesterday was suppose to be a 5-10kt nearshore. Updated forecast by mid-morning of 10-15kts was correct. Bit of a late start due to the calm morning. Hoisted sails at ~1230. NNE steady 10-12kts in the Bay. Long fetch made it a bit lumpy. Warmer surface water(+15C) and warm air(+23) made the occasional spray shower feel refreshing when heading upwind. Sunny, but inland I can see an area to the SW of rising columns of clouds. Nothing on radar to be concerned about. Couple hours later needed to put in a reef while running along the leeward side of Long Is/Chequamegon Pt. Even with the reef set the flatter water on the leeward side of the island allowed Vela to cruise at hull speed on a slight upwind course. Meter tall swells as expected off Long Is. Pt.  Real lumpy at the west end of the S. Channel. Then just entering the channel between Madeline Is. and the mainland the wind started dropping. Shook out the reef. Came about and "drifted" into the Bay at ~3.5kts on a too lumpy surface. Another what is becoming "normal" nearshore L. Superior day sailing. That is, when the wind does decide to show up. Today, more glassy water than water with any ripples.
Sage S15