Chats: Monday 1900 Eastern and Thursday 1930 Eastern

Started by Spot, Jul 10, 2023, 11:00 AM

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Use the link below the TSBB burgee in the upper right hand corner of the page.
No password required but using a given name or known nickname helps (can be changed after chat login if needed).
I may not be able to make this week, I still have a boat on stands than needs to become a boat on a trailer that can be a boat in the water...
Big dreams, small boats...


Anyone up to chatting this week?
Monday 1900 Eastern and Thursday 1930 Eastern

Use the link below the TSBB burgee in the upper right hand corner of the page.
No password required but using a given name or known nickname helps (can be changed after chat login if needed).
Big dreams, small boats...


Anyone up to chatting this week?

Monday 1900 Eastern (TSBB time) and Thursday 1930 (SailFar) Eastern

We have been doing some Windows talk to text experiments that are quite favorable. Just make sure you have the TV turned down in the background otherwise we'll get your local news and sports... :)

Use the link below the TSBB burgee in the upper right hand corner of the page.
No password required but using a given name or known nickname helps (can be changed after chat login if needed).
Big dreams, small boats...


It's 1930-ish Eastern Thursday...anybody on the horn?
Big dreams, small boats...


Anyone up to chatting this week?

Monday 1900 Eastern (TSBB time) and Thursday 1930 (SailFar) Eastern

Use the link below the TSBB burgee in the upper right hand corner of the page.
No password required but using a given name or known nickname helps (can be changed after chat login if needed).

Sometimes people log in early, log in late, forget to log in, choose not to log in.

I try to stick around but eventually I start multitasking or get too fidgety to sit watching a blank screen.
Big dreams, small boats...

Riley Smith



We had a great turnout, 6 people.
Thanks for a pleasant evening!
Big dreams, small boats...


Anyone up to chatting today?

Thursday 1930 Eastern (old SailFar time)

Use the link below the TSBB burgee in the upper right hand corner of the page.
No password required but using a given name or known nickname helps (can be changed after chat login if needed). Windows talk-to-text has been known to work with the Chat.

Big dreams, small boats...


Anyone up to chatting this week?

Monday 1900 Eastern (TSBB time) and Thursday 1930 (SailFar) Eastern

Use the link below the TSBB burgee in the upper right hand corner of the page.
No password required but using a given name or known nickname helps (can be changed after chat login if needed).

Big dreams, small boats...


Anyone up to chatting?

Monday 1900 Eastern (TSBB) and Thursday 1930 (SailFar) Eastern

Use the link below the TSBB burgee in the upper right hand corner of the page.
No password required but using a given name or known nickname helps (can be changed after chat login if needed).
Big dreams, small boats...


Anyone up to chatting?

Monday 1900 Eastern (TSBB) and Thursday 1930 (SailFar) Eastern

Use the link below the TSBB burgee in the upper right hand corner of the page.
No password required but using a given name or known nickname helps (can be changed after chat login if needed).
Big dreams, small boats...


Anyone up to chatting?

Monday 1900 Eastern (TSBB) and Thursday 1930 (SailFar) Eastern

Use the link below the TSBB burgee in the upper right hand corner of the page.
No password required but using a given name or known nickname helps (can be changed after chat login if needed).

Already got some live wires online! Join if you can!
Big dreams, small boats...


Anyone up to chatting?

Monday 1900 Eastern (TSBB) and Thursday 1930 (SailFar) Eastern

Use the link below the TSBB burgee in the upper right hand corner of the page.
No password required but using a given name or known nickname helps (can be changed after chat login if needed).

I may be a few minutes late Monday, feel free to start carrying on without me :)
Big dreams, small boats...


Big dreams, small boats...


Anyone up to chatting?

Monday 1900 Eastern (TSBB) and Thursday 1930 (SailFar) Eastern

You do not have to identify with TSBB or SailFar to participate on a given night, just join in.

Use the link below the TSBB burgee in the upper right hand corner of the page.
No password required but using a given name or known nickname helps (can be changed after chat login if needed).
Big dreams, small boats...